Puffco Proxy


Glass Addict
The will was strong but the flesh was weak looool
I wanted to wait for a pro version so badly but an affordable „in stock“
Option with a summersale -10%off coupon just hit tooo hard rofl…talk about clever marketing hehe 😉

It arrived yesterday and i now had some dabs to test it and i have to say im totally sold…rly awesome product that adds the for me needed stealth component…nothing better than hanging around in the garden, cheering over to my neighbour totally stoned with my proxy in the hand :) (of course out of smelling reach lol)

I have to say its a bummer they didnt add temp control app as standard..just has the greedy smell of coming of with a pro version just a tad later and increase sold units BUT at the end if the day the preset temps really work great for me..and thats totally new for me on portables with presezd.
Im on green mode all day, perfect taste and rly easy to clean..even with my self pressed rosin DRY swabs r enuf, guess thats bcs only the sides get heated..i thought that was a flaw but seeing how it works it just doest burn your product at least for now it didnt happen to me
Carta/xmax/puffo pro2…all had a thin red line where u would just waste stuff or get burn in and bad taste..have to say i never rly got the feel so i burney trough chambers lol..

Still a pricy product..even more for us Europeans (i paid 340€ AFTER all discounts)
but if u are in a comparing situation i can rly recommend to buy it, i would be pissed of myself if id have let that deal go lool :)


Glass Addict
For now rly happy yes, havent touched my torch nor other vapes since it came in…hope the chamber wont die too soon…those never had rly long lifespans for me but we will see..im on holiday next week and will take it with me to see how it performs there :)
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Well now I want a proxy....


Well-Known Member
Well now I want a proxy....

Yeah that's sexy as fuck.


Glass Addict
Still very pleased with my unit, also tried the red "hot" mode now..
(wanted to skip till I have another Atty but well....the flesh..blabla :D )
and also on that no burnt taste or any leftovers in the cup after cleaning with 2-3x boost mode..rly rly pleased
i have to say :D

Battery won't keep ME happy for a whole day without charging but a power bank may
be a viable option, will take one with me next week and see.

And as always my biggest problem is the lack of rosin, man how I hate to live
where its prohibited and even more so the times where the next harvest is near but the last the furthest away rofl :D

Guess I also won't come around to get a custom pipe,,,,alrdy began scrolling too :D


Well-Known Member
It looks like a great product, I'm sure they spent a lot of time making it high quality, but at $300, it is for a small part of the market that can afford this. Many would-be users will be simply priced out.

I can't help but feel at $200, it would be a much more acceptable price, and they would probably still make good margins on it and get a lot more converts to the brand, which would then spend more on accessories later, but that's probably not in their business model. They are selling exclusivity to some extent. I'd be interested to see how many cycles the batteries do before failure.


Well-Known Member
It looks like a great product, I'm sure they spent a lot of time making it high quality, but at $300, it is for a small part of the market that can afford this. Many would-be users will be simply priced out.

I can't help but feel at $200, it would be a much more acceptable price, and they would probably still make good margins on it and get a lot more converts to the brand, which would then spend more on accessories later, but that's probably not in their business model. They are selling exclusivity to some extent. I'd be interested to see how many cycles the batteries do before failure.

I don't disagree. The price being above 200 or 250 kept me from buying one.

But this is FC. People generally don't scoff at a portable herb vape costing $300. Even though there are better performing, cheaper desktop options.

Same goes for my argument that you can make a better performing option with 510 atty's. Why would people spend nearly $300 on a TinyMight? Just grab a StemPod or a Splinter and a mod. Well, a lot of people don't want to fuck with wattage and resistance and all that shit. They'd rather the manufacturer figure that stuff out. When a TM comes in the mail, you just turn it on and start puffing. That's the advantage of the TM over the cheaper 510 option.

Puffco is charging what they want because there's no real competition. Who has another high performing crucible wax pen that just works right out of the box? No one. There are competing e-rigs for Puffco, but that's a different use case. And most of them don't outperform the Peak Pro anyway.

A $300 device with a small battery that can't be replaced is some bullshit. Puffco should offer a relatively affordable battery replacement service. If this thing takes off, there may be third party battery replacement services like there are with the Peak.


Lesser-Known Lurker
Same goes for my argument that you can make a better performing option with 510 atty's. Why would people spend nearly $300 on a TinyMight? Just grab a StemPod or a Splinter and a mod. Well, a lot of people don't want to fuck with wattage and resistance and all that shit. They'd rather the manufacturer figure that stuff out. When a TM comes in the mail, you just turn it on and start puffing. That's the advantage of the TM over the cheaper 510 option.
I don't mind tinkering around to get a great solution at a much lower price! Could you describe an ideal 510 setup that would match the TM2 in performance? Thanks!

[Edit] Sorry for taking things a little of topic although I do appreciate the responses. I'm good for now and will ask questions in another thread if needed. Thank you all again! [/Edit]
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Grass Yes

Staff member
I don't mind tinkering around to get a great solution at a much lower price! Could you describe an ideal 510 setup that would match the TM2 in performance? Thanks!
I have a few 510s, including a Splinter (v2) and even dialed in I think the TM performs better. Tastes better and extracts more quickly. I do know folks who feel differently, although most of them have Splinter Z's.

Anyway this should probably be moved to another thread.


Well-Known Member
I don't mind tinkering around to get a great solution at a much lower price! Could you describe an ideal 510 setup that would match the TM2 in performance? Thanks!

Sorry for bringing that up. I was just trying to make a point. My experience is pretty similar to @Grass Yes. I could never actually emulate the TM with mods and atty's, though the Spinter comes close. And I have over a decade of experience with that shit. There are members who prefer the Splinter over the TM though. IME, it wasn't worth the effort.

Now, I do think I've been able to emulate the Proxy with the DTv5 setup I've posted. But I gotta say... I think I'm the only one. Most of the people saying DT stuff is better than Puffco are using their atty in some sort of bottomless banger with full sized glass. Cool. But that's a totally different class of product.

I've yet to see another v5 setup that looks like it would be as comfortable to hit dry as the Proxy AND is somewhat pocketable. Out of the box, it's no contest. The v5 is basically unusable with the included drip tip, unless you're taking tiny, sub 399 degree temps. The smart thing about the Proxy is the unobtrusive long stem/"drip tip". And the fact the stem isn't directly above the crucible heating element. Heat rises, and in a standard wax pen, it will rise right into your stem.

The Peak kicked off an entire industry of e-rig knock offs. Anybody think a similar thing will happen with electric hash pipes?


Sorry for bringing that up. I was just trying to make a point. My experience is pretty similar to @Grass Yes. I could never actually emulate the TM with mods and atty's, though the Spinter comes close. And I have over a decade of experience with that shit. There are members who prefer the Splinter over the TM though. IME, it wasn't worth the effort.

Now, I do think I've been able to emulate the Proxy with the DTv5 setup I've posted. But I gotta say... I think I'm the only one. Most of the people saying DT stuff is better than Puffco are using their atty in some sort of bottomless banger with full sized glass. Cool. But that's a totally different class of product.

I've yet to see another v5 setup that looks like it would be as comfortable to hit dry as the Proxy AND is somewhat pocketable. Out of the box, it's no contest. The v5 is basically unusable with the included drip tip, unless you're taking tiny, sub 399 degree temps. The smart thing about the Proxy is the unobtrusive long stem/"drip tip". And the fact the stem isn't directly above the crucible heating element. Heat rises, and in a standard wax pen, it will rise right into your stem.

The Peak kicked off an entire industry of e-rig knock offs. Anybody think a similar thing will happen with electric hash pipes?

One thing I've not seen mentioned too much is I feel like this would be super appealing to medical users.

Puffco opts for pretty heavy "lifestyle marketing" but this simple to use device is exactly what medical patients want.

Where the connoisseur might wish for full temperature control, a few good presets makes for a simple and repeatable interface with minimal fuss.

I just broke my banger the other night and I honestly kinda want to dive in BUT the battery life claims have me second guessing.

But these heady pipes are way too cool.....! This is the one thing about Puffco being the innovator is the aftermarket support NEVER develops for any of the other brands. This thing already has some ridiculous glass pieces going around.



Glass Addict
Been a few days on my trip and everything still working great…saw that vapefiend got also some units in and bought a spare atty, travel kit and ball cap for my Proxy...esp. Intrressted in the cap…that should work rly well ( and also came as standard imo :D)

One thing i also enjoy is how easy it is to keep clean…the chamber is rly rly awesome to me…still looking like new although im using booster 3-4 times every dab on red mode and now have several grams trough it…wow…never seen anything this easy to maintain clean for wax on the run and thats a big plus for me

I think thats mostly bcs the bottom of the cup
doesnt get heated…makes it for me basically idiot proof for not overcooking the extract and get some kind of un-removable burn in, even after my booster sessions the rosin inside the cup is liquid and easy to remove :)

Vapor Path also very short, like 2cm in total and easy to clean with a swab..and mostly important..it delivers..great vapor quality and taste and that easy repeatable.

As said i can just compare to carta/puffco pro/several inserts and classic torch/coil setups…never had a peak or peak pro so maybe those chambers are also as easy to clean and thats just for me a game changer rofl

As u can guess, still happy…battery runtime is also no problem, 90% of the time im using it inside and if im on the run the whole day nearly any powerbank will do the job :)

Still not tried the easter egg modes…one of those can boost temp to 630-650F but i guess that wont keep the chamber clean long looool..no not rly needed, do t even use the white (highest standard) mode and dont feel im missing something :)
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Well-Known Member
I think thats mostly bcs the bottom of the cup
doesnt get heated…makes it for me basically idiot proof for not overcooking the extract and get some kind of un-removable burn in, even after my booster sessions the rosin inside the cup is liquid and easy to remove :)

Yeah, that can easily happen on the DTv5 if the wattage and temp aren't dialed in just right. That device works on mods with swappable batteries, so you can clean it back to new just by letting it run at a high wattage for a minute or so. But I think you nailed a big reason why Puffco didn't heat the bottom of these chambers in a mass market device.


Well-Known Member
Company Rep
But I think you nailed a big reason why Puffco didn't heat the bottom of these chambers in a mass market device.
maybe those chambers are also as easy to clean
I only use home-pressed rosin in my Puffcp Peak Pro...well over 2000 dabs on the counter and my OG ceramic atty is still white. :2c:
I am very interested to see if the ball cap is really needed here due to wall-only heating @gunmetalshark.
Edit, found these,


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Well-Known Member
I am very interested to see if the ball cap is really needed here due to wall-only heating
I found the Peak Pro ball cap worked pretty good, gives it way more air flow, but I couldn’t tell how good it worked spinning terp beads, so I went back to the OG cap that I modified by cutting a second slanted air port on the opposite side that gives it maybe 50% of the air that regular port gives. Terp beads work great now with very minimal leftover reclaim. Also using the 3D atty, which cleans up excellent without iso, even better than the OG atty‘s, which are still like new after 1200 dabs. I think the Proxy will be in my future when I have the cash and there’s a good deal, it’ll help extend the battery life of my Pro.


Well-Known Member
Anyone know how much of the vapor is travelling through silicone? I know you can line up the hole on the device directly into the pipe stem. So that should only be a few mm of silicone. But I wonder what the vapor path looks like inside the silicone unit. Is there vapor flying around all that silicone until it reaches the hole?

I know they're using medical grade silicone and patients have been using silicone whips for decades without issue. Still curious though.


It probably touches more silicone than the Peak as vapor will pass over that entire silicone base of the unit.

As u can guess, still happy…battery runtime is also no problem, 90% of the time im using it inside and if im on the run the whole day nearly any powerbank will do the job :)

Yeah but if it needs a Powerbank to match the capacity of a Peak Pro then it's not really any smaller.

My thing with fixed battery electronics is the less the built in battery capacity is, the quicker the cell life will deplete over the life of the device.

still looking like new although im using booster 3-4 times every dab on red mode

How many dabs do you get on a charge while doing 4 boosters per dab? I saw some people on Reddit claiming about 9 dabs per charge. That sounds somewhat acceptable for just myself, but if I shared with anybody I could see it going pretty fast.


Glass Addict
i will take notes how many dabs are doable..mostly i forget during the session how often i boosted before so i rly gotta make notes :D :D :D

Anyone knows a place to upload pics feom phone then i can get u some of the airpath.

Its only like 2cm in total becoise it doesnt extend to the bottom of the proxy but comes out at the side just below the point where it sticks into the pipe…sorry my engl. is lacking once again ^^

Shit Snacks

Milaana. Lana. LANA. LANAAAA! (TM2/TP80/BAK/FW9)
I don't mind tinkering around to get a great solution at a much lower price! Could you describe an ideal 510 setup that would match the TM2 in performance? Thanks!

[Edit] Sorry for taking things a little of topic although I do appreciate the responses. I'm good for now and will ask questions in another thread if needed. Thank you all again! [/Edit]

Yeah I just wanted to point out that you should check out iHeat from Alan@toasty-top.com since it has a similar heater to the splinter, high surface area steel mesh heating element, however it is in a spiral shape more similar to the TM, it is still very different since the TM is steel ribbon with ceramic posts, but that would be the best option for a 510 experience, especially since the splinter is not even available anymore... Trying to make your own coil in a stem pod would be a lot of work I think, instead of just configuring temp control for the coil you get from someone else... I really like that the TM has an analog temp dial all built in, better than digital for me at least, most consistent...

Back on topic I did see that BiaoT is making proxy rigs on Instagram and so is Rick Bird Berry, and 14mm bowl connectors, like the Greek Glass ones from Biao...

Anyone knows a place to upload pics feom phone then i can get u some of the airpath.

You need to go to imgur.com or imgbb.com to upload there and then paste the link here, if you use the imgur website on your phone, desktop view you can just paste the URL here and it will display photos in an album without needing to click link. If you use imgbb on phone browser, you just upload and then select BB code to paste here so image shows up (just what is in the IMG brackets not the URL)


Glass Addict

Sorry for the dirty real life but hope u get a first impression :)

I have the proxy in the unit so the hole points directly into the stem, there is not much build up inside the glass pipe, but resin will build up under the atty and leak out the hole into the glasspipe but rly nothing wild and totaööy cleanable…Mann for the sake of science im so stoned i dont even know how to get to Dinner now..rofl

And if anyone notices i edit a shot load of times…german auto correct is fucking me up and im too lazy to turn it off 😂
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Well-Known Member

Sorry for the dirty real life but hope u get a first impression :)

That's not very much silicone at all. Maybe a few mm more in the vapor path than the Peak. About the same as a DTv5 and hubble bubble if you're using the silicone adapter. I was kind of hoping Puffco did something like this. Just looking at the outside, it looks like a whole lotta silicone.

Personally, I wouldn't have a huge problem with this vapor path. Pretty in line with other devices I use.
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