Broken Peak Atomizer? We can rebuild it. We have the technology. We can make it better than it was. Better, stronger, faster, hotter.
After almost a year of rebuilding Puffco Peak atomizers for myself and my friends, I decided to sell these to the public a while back. I figured I would make a thread to try and get the word out about them. Now you can buy a Puffco Peak and never worry about the costly replacement atomizers, you can build your own better than new!
When my first Peak atomizer died only a week after having my Peak I started looking for a better way. That led me to rebuild them with DT ceramic donuts and taking apart every atty I had with a ceramic heater. Those heated but didn't give a great hit. Eventually, I hit the web and started talking to vendors of heaters. I had measured all of the OG heaters specs so I knew what I wanted, but when I ordered test batches each batch still left me wanting more.
So fast forward and now, working with a good manufacturer, they have let me tweak the resistance of these coils. These coils are slightly lower resistance, so they have the capability to go a little hotter, but you can still run them cool. Plus the leads and internals are more robust then OE for much less breakage and a lot longer lasting atomizer in general.
These can be done by hand, but it is MUCH easier to do with a jig, and the heater stays centered. I was hand making jigs out of wood for months, but I got a 3D printer now and these are more precise for sure!
Using the jig and replacement heaters anyone could follow my video and rebuild their own Peak atomizers! Good luck, let me know if you need any help.
I also have replacement quartz inserts (all varieties coming soon)
amazing U.S. made directional Peak caps
and tools for rebuilding.
After almost a year of rebuilding Puffco Peak atomizers for myself and my friends, I decided to sell these to the public a while back. I figured I would make a thread to try and get the word out about them. Now you can buy a Puffco Peak and never worry about the costly replacement atomizers, you can build your own better than new!
When my first Peak atomizer died only a week after having my Peak I started looking for a better way. That led me to rebuild them with DT ceramic donuts and taking apart every atty I had with a ceramic heater. Those heated but didn't give a great hit. Eventually, I hit the web and started talking to vendors of heaters. I had measured all of the OG heaters specs so I knew what I wanted, but when I ordered test batches each batch still left me wanting more.
So fast forward and now, working with a good manufacturer, they have let me tweak the resistance of these coils. These coils are slightly lower resistance, so they have the capability to go a little hotter, but you can still run them cool. Plus the leads and internals are more robust then OE for much less breakage and a lot longer lasting atomizer in general.
These can be done by hand, but it is MUCH easier to do with a jig, and the heater stays centered. I was hand making jigs out of wood for months, but I got a 3D printer now and these are more precise for sure!
Using the jig and replacement heaters anyone could follow my video and rebuild their own Peak atomizers! Good luck, let me know if you need any help.
I also have replacement quartz inserts (all varieties coming soon)
amazing U.S. made directional Peak caps
and tools for rebuilding.