While I can totally see how excessively focusing on any one aspect of the system as being potentially "boring" or "too technical" for some, honestly, I think that the battery driving your vape is almost as important as the design of the vape itself - and since each vaporizer has a different electrical cadence, you can't just talk about things pertaining to the electrical consumption of a vaporizer and expect the characteristics to remain true across all vapes.
I mean, I get irked when I see a dozens of posts in a day about smell and shipping and the types of glass people are using with their vapes - but I just slide my eyes past it and live/let live. It's one of the drawbacks of having a single-thread discussion forum for each model, and because each vape is different it's worth talking about in the context of a single vaporizer. If you must ignore them, then so be it, but where else do you propose we discuss the electrical characteristics and power requirements of each specific vape, as well as the power sources we use to drive them? It's not as trivial a thing as one might think, especially to those of us who want to milk to the highest level of performance out of them.
I can see where the topic bridges a gap though, and that's why all discussion related to the batteries I am building takes place in an exclusive thread. But the way this forum is laid out, is that all discussion related to a specific vaporizer happens in that vaporizers thread. You can't just lump batteries into one category and pretend that's all the discourse that needs to take place on that topic - there's so much more to it then voltage and wattage. Each vape has a different current draw, be it high, low, static or dynamic, protected or not protected. If we make it seem like batteries are just drop and go, and discourage discussion on them, I'm sure one day someone will pop the battery from a Persei into a Flashvape or something like that, thinking it will work fine to have it blow up in their hands. I'd rather we got to talk about it first. And where are we to talk about that?