Prop 203 Fails In Arizona: No Medical Marijuana For AZ


Well-Known Member
Hanging Chads ?

Actually each of these hand counted ballots has multiple issues being voted on, plus all the politicians, it's not as easy as just counting the one issue. And each ballot needed verification (registerd voter? etc.) before counting started. Something like 375,000 ballots total.

And yes, we heard it's down by 1500 this evening, which is still trending toward the good.

Fingers crossed for several folks who need this badly. Though I think they will pose a legal challenge if it passes. :2c:


Lost in Thought
The link now says its AHEAD by over 4K votes??
Very nice :) Im happy for my homestates progress :) I hope this passes for them and doesnt get repealed again.


Well-Known Member
mongorian said:
It's OFFICIAL guys!! 203 PASSES!

think we need to get the title of this thread changed...

WHOOO-HOOO!!!! Congratulation AZ. It's about time. (now hopefully nobody finds a way to reverse it)

Awesome, I am so glad to hear this. This is a great thing for AZ. Tonight, I am vaping to celebrate another state to pass med marijuana. :)
Congrats Arizona!


Well-Known Member
As I said, Dewey Wins ! :party:

The press loves to tell you first, but doesn't always care to wait to get it right.

Close races get re-counted, not sure if this is close enough. But sore losers have been clogging the re-count path and then trying through the courts to overturn anything they don't like or lose at (for a while now, 'hanging chads'). Common political football move nowdays.

And since AZ has already passed Med MJ once and had it overturned, expect a legal battle this time too, if a re-count doesn't go their way. :2c:


Lost in Thought
Beezleb said:

I miss Tucson.

I dont... Well, I miss 3 Points even less.
My parents owned that store for a number of years and I had the wonderful opportunity to work there for some time too.
Talk about interesting... Have I got some stories! :p


Well-Known Member
This is great news! :) And by less than 5,000 votes...that's less than 3/10ths of one percent. And who said your vote doesn't count?!

First I've heard of it and my heart skipped a beat...I'll vape one to this tonight!


Purple-Days said:
And since AZ has already passed Med MJ once and had it overturned, expect a legal battle this time too, if a re-count doesn't go their way. :2c:

Really? When was this? Did it come do to an AZ supreme court ruling?


Perfectly Toasted
I don't think we're going to see a re-count at this point.

It was reversed before due to poor wording of the proposition at the time. They were able to basically tell doctors they would pull their license if they "prescribed" cannabis to anyone.


Well-Known Member
They are gonna fight this. I'm telling you, if they let it stand at all, they will make it a miserable experience for the physicians and patients alike...

The same fellow who sent it to court last time is still in charge. And Sheriff Joe ain't exactly happy either, "I've been fightin' drugs for 30 years as a Law enforcement officer... blah, blah, blah". politicians and cops are more addicted to the drug money (bribes) and anti-drug money (helicopters, guns and overtime) than any drug addiction. It's all a joke and the wording isn't that much better this time.

Saw this and it reminded me of Sheriff Joe. :D



Well-Known Member
I'm proud to say I worked a bit on this campaign last year. I don't know whether there will be a challenge or not, but I can tell you that if there is one, the people behind this initiative will cram so many lawyers up the state's ass that the governor will be deposing himself in his sleep.

Not that it's bulletproof. But there's a reason these guys won in such a tough, conservative year - they don't mess around.


Well-Known Member
"a reason these guys won in such a tough, conservative year - they don't mess around.", says Plotinus.

Not sure what you mean. Nobody forced people to vote one way or another. I think the general mood is swinging toward tolerance, especially as the old get older. And as the old see the lies for what they are. but this vote was close and not everybody (especially not the political and law enforcement figures) is ready to let this stand.

125 Dispensaries (maximum) for the entire state :rolleyes: . Record keeping on par (or more strict than) with any Pharmacy :whip: . Of course there will be intimidation of people walking into those dispensaries, cops in uniform, cameras, protesters, ID cards... I don't need any of those to walk into regular Pharmacy, to buy far more dangerous drugs, do I?

And in a State where they might overturn 'Meds' in the next election or just declare the measure invalid for any trivial reason, how many are gonna sign up. How many Doctors are gonna prescribe? Even in Oregon, (where assisted suicide is legal) Doctors were intimidated especially by the Feds. Expect the same here.

BTW this is a second term Governor who can do WTF she wants. 4 years and not running again... A dangerous person... who doesn't mess around. This is about big money. Not, about what is good for a Medical patient, at this point.


Well-Known Member
We'll see. We're on the same side of this thing, there's no need to trade jabs over it. My only point was that this happens to be an intelligent group of people with enough money to make this stick. (That's less common in the field than you might expect.)

It will certainly be interesting. Arizona, along with a couple of other states, is one of the new wave of states with medical bills that are purposefully designed to be more restrictive, so that they'll win faster and in tougher states. New Jersey is another, and soon New York will join their ranks. I'm curious to see how these tactics play out over the long term.


Technical Skeptical
Plotinus said:
I'm curious to see how these tactics play out over the long term.
same here, especially when california gets the chance for recreational use in 2012...


Well-Known Member
Not a jab at you Plotinus, I'm just a pessimist. I think those in power do what they want, the rest of us be damned.

Actually I am for full legalization. Not restricted medical use.

Medical is great for those that need it, but those that need it are going to be intimidated ("purposefully designed to be more restrictive") by those who have other motives. I just don't believe they are gonna roll over and play dead.

I know people in this state who need and use and will never sign up. They know the score.


I have a question (for anyone). If it's a drug and if it is prescribed, WTF is a dispensary for? Why not stand in line at a regular pharmacy, hand over your prescription and walk away with a white paper bag that is indistinguishable from insulin or valium or oxycodone. Why should people have to run a gauntlet of protesters and police to get in a dispensary where there is only one drug for sale? Why should you have to sign up and carry a Med Card? Do I need a card to buy Penicillin? Do I need to register with the state to buy pain killers? Why should this be any different? I call bullshit... they have their reasons.


Why does my government and yours spend money on "law enforcement" to control a plant like cannabis in my name, here and even outside the country's borders, while honnest citizens can punch holes in their liver using too much codeine or whatever with the implicit complicity of that same governement? I don't know. Why don't we ever hear about vaporization on TV news as a safe substitute for smokers? I don't have a clue. What makes Montreal so different from Amsterdam? Well, i wish i were there to find out all by myself!

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