Profile Information for better communication


I’d love to see more members using the about-section in their profile. So many times there are posts where a little context to the author would be so helpful. In wich country is this person living, what vapes do they like and use?

For example, if there’s people using the same vapes I do, probably their opinion on some themes would matter more to me than those of Pax enthusiasts. Shared shipping experiences or tax information about specific shops could matter more or less, depending on where the person is living.

Adding more context to posts by sharing those information via profile would make this forum even more helpful, accessible and convenient. So thanks to anyone who’s doing so and if you don’t, please consider and spread the word.
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Grass Yes

Staff member
For the most part I just look at posting history. It's typically more up to date than the list on people's profile.

And for opinions, it's easy to see who is sensible and has similar preferences to me just by reading old threads and lurking.


Yes, that’s a possible workaround. I just read a post where I could roughly estimate the author’s location by calculating the time zone. But it’s all distraction from the information I was initially looking for. Which is nice sometimes, but it’ll also be nice to get this context at a glance if needed. Or are there arguments against that I don’t see?
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