Same goes for the posts
@MinnBobber on the first page who recommends MJ intake for a healthy baby (as he claims based on the information we "know")
You should know the definition of "know" as we know it makes a difference in knowing what to do in this case of micro micro dosing as knowledge is power, and lack of knowledge is not knowing what you don't know
KNOW : be aware of through observation, inquiry, or information.
I stand by knowing what I said I did
And I think I've done my homework on the topic. Just a brief history as to my keen interest in the topic. My 90+ year old father was on opioids for chronic back pain. I was looking for options and thought medical MJ might just be hoax to get stoners some legal bud but let's just take a look....
So I began to try to "know" more about it and dove into books, seminars, group forums, research studies, communicating with anyone knowledgeable RE "marijuana" (which I now know how/why/history of mj and why IMO it's better to always call it cannabis). The quest for knowledge found outlandish "info" in both the pro and anti groups. Zeroing in on credible info, there was a strong KNOWN: WTF is my dad on opioids when the cannabis is absolutely a better option to at least TRY ?????????????????????? Opioids kill 16,000 a year and cannabis zero ----
-Sadly, prior to ever trying cannabis my father passed away, from the side effects of opioids
But, what I had found up to that point just made me dive in deeper, as the broad topic of cannabis "elements" ( legal, medical, social, political, financial, agricultural hemp issue, cultural) are fascinating!! To me, there is no subject more interesting
Since that time of his passing, 6 years ago, I can't get enough on the subject as it is absolutely fascinating and it even makes my head spin

I heard your comments...
I "observe, inquire. and try to gain all information" that is currently out there via: hours of seminars, books pro and anti, combing thru research studies,..... attending all our State Health Dept cannabis meetings and talking to/listening to every minute of testimony and testifying at these meetings plus submitting new conditions for approval......: and communicating with groups all over the US and the world (like MAMMA or Mothers Advocating Med MJ for Autism),
assisting low income seniors/vets with learning about vaping and getting them decent vapes, from our state cannabis website reading every comment submitted (hundreds of pages) to the Health Dept ( like one MMJ patient's cannabis bill was $6,000 per MONTH) on their massive survey of patients, on and on and on.
As I'm retired I spend huge amounts of time and energy as the subject is the most fascinating subject in the world, it's like studying aviation in the Wright Bros era, the dawn of a new era but it's really the re-awakening of an old era that the US politically squashed
You keep going on and on about how people should read the studies. You are talking as if science is on your side. Its not. Will it be some day? Possibly.
To summarize everything I "know" on science:
We are coming out of the recent long period of science where 99% of the studies were funded to show the presumed negative impact of cannabis, and there were minimal negatives . All media was anti-cannabis
The new era is upon us and I respectfully disagree that there is little science-- as there are hundreds of studies, in addition to 6000 years of anecdotal evidence. Studies are only one piece of the puzzle.
The gold standard of studies, clinical double-blind research studies, most from the new era have not ended yet as they take time but I can say this---- the preliminary evidence from them is mind-boggling.
One that is completed in India on "severe depression" shows cannabis to be just as effective as Prozac with none of the side effects of Prozac (little things like suicidal ideations).
Science is actually moving beyond "does cannabis help diseases X,Y, and Z?" to "how does it work on these diseases?" as we know it does work.
And that answer keeps coming back as cannabis supplements our ECS , which when tuned up, coordinates the body to fix these diseases with it's own systems, to move back toward homeostasis.
ECS is key to it all, all systems including reproduction.
I only search for the truth about cannabis and if I appear "over-zealous" it's only because factoring in everything I've ingested, the evidence is "over-whelming" that cannabis is absolutely a miracle supplement for our ECS with minor negatives that are completely dwarfed by the positives.
I have no "horse in this race" as my horse died, but will continue trying learn more on the subject.
Peace to all