Jill NYC
Portable Hoarder

I am loving the whole Planet of the Vapes new glass adapter system (no idea if there is an official name)
I got the Pax adapter along with the glass accessory bundle a few months back and I just picked up the Mighty adapter along with the new globe stem.
Pretty amazing that I can now use so many more stems interchangeably with several of my vapes.
Many of my Dynavap stems fit the adapters as well including my Sneaky Pete’s Sidewinder (one of my favorites)
Per their site, the stems are compatible* with:
PAX Plus/Mini/3/2 (*with adapter)
Mighty/Mighty+ (*with adapter)
I can also confirm
HR Edge and Rogue
Few nice details:
Love the Pax adapter makes it easy to control the temps & power, unlike other WPA adapters where you have to remove to push button
Awesome that the part of the mighty adapter that is in contact with vapor is same PEEK as the native mouthpiece
Using the Mighty adapter means never having to clean the CU again!
Few minor nitpicks:
The Pax adapter comes out too easily, it feels just a tad too shallow
The Mighty adapter is a lint magnet, but then again, so are the cooling fins.
The bent stem is really short, too short for my liking
Anyone know if they are planning more adapters?
Anyone else been playing and want to share their experience?