possible effects on liver

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Well-Known Member
Hi FC,

A few weeks back I noticed when I pulled down the lids of my eyes underneath my eye whites had a obvious yellow tinge to them. After doing some googling I discovered this could be a sign of "Jaundice" a flurry of symptoms caused by liver degeneration (usually alcohol related). I used to drink heavily (binge drinking once a weekend), but have abstained for about 2 months now.

Recently, I have been problems with my GERD (which is constant acid reflux) making it hard for me to swallow, but I am concerned with taking the PPI (proton pump inhibitors) which are prescribed for this issue. If I do have a bad liver as these could make it worse. (http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/1542370)

Now the reason Im coming here to FC is that I stumbled across an page stating chronic marijuana use could cause a liver toxicity (I've been using cannabis for 5 years now, vaping for the last one) so I'm concerned maybe my love is causing this possible liver issue. Maybe I'm just a hypochondriac. anyway here's the articles

first one I found: http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/15448809
longer version: http://www.scielo.br/pdf/spmj/v122n3/a07v1223.pdf

then the only forum page I found on the issue: http://ask.metafilter.com/220044/Will-inhaling-vaporized-marijuanacannabis-hurt-my-liver

I would love nothing more than you guys to fully discredit these articles so I can begin taking the medication to help my acid reflux and give my throat a chance to heal, but if these are right could marijuana (atleast in the chronicly used/abused sence) not be as harmless as we thought. I really hope not.:(
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I think you just need to take an alcohol break for awhile if not for good. I too have Gerd. I have been combusting herbs and cigarettes and drinking for many years. Only reason i stopped was because i got gerd. I went on the ppi's because i was really bad off.. I had alot of stress going on during that time. I tried many different ones before i found one that worked well for me..I would recommend you try them for ahile till u get it settled..Its better than the acids ripping your throat apart. The main thing to get rid of the Gerd is Diet and no stress and no combusting, or drinking. Vaping herbs has helped me through this ordeal.

Stop drinking.. take milk thistle..proton inhibitors for awhile till feel better.even stop vaping for a bit if can just till acids settle down... look up soluble fibers v unsoluble fiber foods..take a probiotic..get cked for hylocobator pylori..everyone is different ..just what i went through hope some of it helps...


Well-Known Member
I think you just need to take an alcohol break for awhile if not for good. I too have Gerd. I have been combusting herbs and cigarettes and drinking for many years. Only reason i stopped was because i got gerd. I went on the ppi's because i was really bad off.. I had alot of stress going on during that time. I tried many different ones before i found one that worked well for me..I would recommend you try them for ahile till u get it settled..Its better than the acids ripping your throat apart. The main thing to get rid of the Gerd is Diet and no stress and no combusting, or drinking. Vaping herbs has helped me through this ordeal.

Stop drinking.. take milk thistle..proton inhibitors for awhile till feel better.even stop vaping for a bit if can just till acids settle down... look up soluble fibers v unsoluble fiber foods..take a probiotic..get cked for hylocobator pylori..everyone is different ..just what i went through hope some of it helps...

I know Im going to try abstaining from drinking for atleast half a year, as hard as thats going to be in university. I have also been under alot of stress latly which is probably contributing to the symptoms. My throat is feeling a little better today and I've been able to eat more, this may be because this morning as soon as I got up I took a chew-able DGL (Deglycyrrhizinated Licorice root extract) which is suppose to help build a protective mucus barrier in your stomach or something like that.

I have quit combusting completely and am never thinking of going back. Have my SSV and Solo to thank for that. They're just miraculous devices.

I havent tried milk thistle but have been nervous about the Proton inhibitors because of my possible liver issues, and am worried about the rebound effect (where you have much worse acid once you stop taking the pills, something to do with enzymes building up) because if I start taking them and end up having to stop due to a liver/or other issue then my reflux would be worse further damaging my throat.

What would the soluble/unsoluble fibers have to do with my GERD? Should i choose a certain one?

I have been eating alot of greek yogurt lately wt my sore throat (would that be considered probiotic enough) but have not looked into the pills.

And i dont believe I have hylocobator pylori (stomach bacterium) or w/e its called unless they could be there for years. When I was a late teen/young adult my dentist informed me that I most likely had GERD as there was obvious acid wear.
(Although back then i never noticed the symptoms, now they're near unbearable and have taken a toll on my esophagus)

Edit: I have not tried quiting vaping yet, I dont think i could. But i have been getting some bronchitis type symptoms for a while now (might be both the constant GERD, which can cause pulmonary problems, in conjunction wt my vape habit)


Space is the Place
I live with liver disease ,lost nearly half the rest is a mess from Cirrhosis and more . if you think you are showing signs of liver damage DON'T Fuckin' drink alcohol !! IF you have signs of Jaundice go to a doctor and have labs done . You can go from yellow eyes to DEAD before you can get help . Jaundice means there is a big problem 9 times out of 10 .

Oh and I vape A lot , A whole lot ; it does not bother my liver . my test #s are Amazing .


Out to lunch
In your position I would be taking Milk Thistle, Alpha Lipoic Acid, N-Acetyl L-Cysteine- all excellent supplements for liver support, and swearing off alcohol forever. I was a big beer drinker many years ago, but when I found myself with a can or bottle in my hand way too often, I saw myself going down the alcoholism path that my father took. Now I never even drink socially. I'm not afraid to do so. I just have no interest in the effect of alcohol anymore. As long as I have access to mj, even if I have to wait 'til I get home, I'll pass on the drinking. If I'd been drinking as long and as often as I've used mj, I'd be an alcoholic for sure, and my liver would likely be pickled as well.


Well-Known Member
I only use MJ now, no more booze. Never worry about my liver or health in general from the herb...but I am lucky I didn't destroy my liver the way I was drinking back when I was younger. Like Max, I have a relative who was an alcoholic (grandfather) and I came to a sort of awakening as well.

I agree with what has been said...go get checked out. There are all sort of reasons you could be seeing these problems now.


Well-Known Member
Acid reflux occurs when an esophageal muscle does not close tightly after food enters the stomach. The muscle normally stops stomach acid backup. When it does not work properly, acid reflux occurs and causes the burning, painful sensation of heartburn that sometimes produces an acidic taste in the back of the mouth and throat. Avoiding certain foods helps prevent or reduce acid reflux. Fatty, fried or spicy foods may cause acid reflux. Chocolate, peppermint, caffeine, carbonated drinks and alcoholic beverages can also promote symptoms.

Many people consume dietary fiber to help with the digestive process. Fiber prevents indigestion and gastrointestinal effects that promote acid reflux. Fruits, vegetables, whole grains and legumes contain plenty of fiber, according to MayoClinic.com. People who suffer from frequent acid reflux and heartburn often try to avoid eating certain foods to reduce symptoms. They can also prevent acid reflux by focusing on fiber-rich foods

Read more: http://www.livestrong.com/article/263648-acid-reflux-fiber/#ixzz2eEiWVxhM

The foods you eat can make or break how you feel,,as for soluble fibers and unsoluable...read up


I agree with everyone above go see a dr first!
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vapor accessory addict
Not to negate anything said above, but jaundice can also be a sign of hepatitis. You should absolutely go and get your liver enzymes checked, as well as have a test for hep. Drinking with jaundice can be deadly, so heed those "don't drink" warnings seriously.

Milk thistle is a wonderful herb that i have used for years to promote liver health. You can also get some aloe juice to help with your stomach issues. Papaya pills are good for heart burn. Probiotics, whether in pill or yougurt form, will also be helpful.

BUT... most importantly get to a doctor. You only have 1 liver and your body cannot exist without it. Don't do irreparable damage to it by continuing an unhealthy lifestyle and procrastinating.


Space is the Place
To add to my post above : If you still have jaundice I wouldn't use any over the counter or alternative medication . It was the first problem stated in your post . Not to be an alarmist but if its still present , Please seek medical attention. In the short and Long run it far outweighs the acid reflux or GERD many many fold .what we see as Harmless substances can become toxic ie Salt or Sugar not worth overlooking and hoping you'll be OK . :peace:
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I don't weigh much (seriously, you Herbalizer dudes will see what I mean in some hours) due to the illness I have, which also requires that I take anywhere from 3-5 different pills, usually totaling around 5-9 pills a day, and I've been on one form or another of this treatment for a fair amount of time... at least a few years now? RX NSAID, hydrocodone with acetaminophen, nausea pills, a non-narc pain pill (SNRI), antacid, and I have a box of strong steroids for when shit hits the fan... I get full blood work every few months and I've been great so far. The liver is a surprisingly resilient organ when you give it time to recover, though it can be damaged to the point where recovery isn't realistic. Your liver issues can be checked with some bloodwork to check for enzyme levels and such, though in most cases this relies on having health insurance. Some people just have slightly yellowed eyes, despite not having jaundice/liver problems. Considering the fact that you're talking about PPI's I'm assuming you've seen a doctor already? Have you mentioned it yet?


Well-Known Member
I haven't seen a doctor yet since I have no vehicle at the moment but I just checked in the mirror, and yep, when I pull back my eyelids or position my eye to see any 'edge' of it, the eye white is distinctly yellow tinged, except near the middle(normally visible) part of my eye

EDIT: about the PPI's, I got those a few months back from a nurse in my hometown, I never took them back then because I was ignorant. But now that I may need to begin taking them, I am worried about the yellow eyes and possible liver damage (dont wanna add fire to the flame)


Well-Known Member
I noticed the yellow tinted outsides of eyes about 3months ago, I never thought anything of it back then, considering I vape everyday I thought I just had chinked eyes from being a stoner. During this time I continued getting drunk everyweekend but then eventually one day while visiting my mother she commented on my eye's, which led me to google the symptom. Then I stopped drinking, but it hasnt disappeared.

Since Ive been using weed for years, I googled if it could effect my liver and stumbled upon that liver hepatotoxicity article


Well-Known Member
So I went to a local doctor and he agreed my eyes definatly seemed yellow, so I'm going to be getting bloodwork done sometime this week, as well as a barium swallow/& xrays to check out my throat. Thanks for the tips guys, ill keep ya informed


Well-Known Member
maybe you should tell us more about yourself and your lifestyle.

How much do you drink, what and when do you eat, sleep, work etc.

maybe we are missing some important information..


Well-Known Member
maybe you should tell us more about yourself and your lifestyle.

How much do you drink, what and when do you eat, sleep, work etc.

maybe we are missing some important information..

I used to drink heavily (but have had to stop now due to this possible liver issue). I was getting drunk once, but near the end usually twice everyweekend (8-12 beer + random hard liquour shots from friends, a night) and eventually (just this passing summer) I began to sometimes drink during the week, if my friends and I were feeling adventurous. I have since abstained for a month.

I eat crap, i know this. I eat like a university kid who barely learned to cook, lots of easy to prepare stuff like oatmeal, sandwhiches, omletes, simple pan fried things.

Since my highschool days i've been a nighthawk. I will typically be on my computer anywhere from 10-2 at night before passing out. I typically get up at 6am to get ready for my bus commute, so i guess I dont get enough sleep, I can understand this effecting my overall health and energy, but the doctor seemed to agree the most probable cause of my yellow eye whites (& therefore possible liver issues) would be my previous alcoholism.

I did have steady work about a month back, but have since moved to a new town to continue my education elsewhere, so now im just doing part time on the weekends. So I dont think work stress is affecting me at all aha. Thanks for the concern, I still do have to go back to the clinic to have my bloodwork and barium swallow/xrays done, should be anyday now I find the time to go.


Well-Known Member
i don't know as i'm not a doctor but can getting drunk on the weekend only cause this?
There are many definitions for what is considered alcoholic, from 2 beers a week to drinking daily..


Space is the Place
i don't know as i'm not a doctor but can getting drunk on the weekend only cause this?
There are many definitions for what is considered alcoholic, from 2 beers a week to drinking daily..
It matters more what alcohol does to you , not how much you drink . You can be an alcoholic and only binge a few times a year . As a recovering alcoholic I haven't had a drink for 25 years But if I was to drink I would be screwed . I was a daily I'm awake so I drink kinda drunk but I've met people who only got hammered on Holidays who ruined their health and life drinking from thanksgiving to New years .
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