Seller/Buyer: @someTooL
Description of item: e-nano xl
Cost of item: $225
Payment time: 01/16/2023
Shipping time: like quick
Rating out of 5: 5/5
Comments: I had a lot of ?'s that sometool answered very quickly and provided me with enough information about this device and reading on FC finalized the deal. First desktop plug-in device all I can say is WOW to both device and seller
. Very Happy.
Description of item: e-nano xl
Cost of item: $225
Payment time: 01/16/2023
Shipping time: like quick
Rating out of 5: 5/5
Comments: I had a lot of ?'s that sometool answered very quickly and provided me with enough information about this device and reading on FC finalized the deal. First desktop plug-in device all I can say is WOW to both device and seller