Vapor concierge
I thought it was a great and thorough review...well laid out...good format.
The plastic taste goes away. It helps if you run it awhile wide open before use. There's a new member here who has one and loves it. Maybe he'll put in his 2 cts. on it. I expect his advice would be the opposite of yours.I've only used the vapir a couple of times . I got it as a present it's pretty average , plastic taste , a hassle to try & get temp right . A hassle to fill . My advice don't buy one .
stickstones said:Thanks oz...keep your portable experiences coming!
I love it that you surf. My family had a store here in the states years ago and it was great growing up in a surf shop. I've been collecting great surf movies on my tivo lately and my favorite right now is a movie featuring taj burrows...I think it is called 'tidy bits'? (Not sure about the tidy.) He's an aussie, right?
Sorry to highjack the thread ... I'm a surfer too. Have been surfing for 25 years ... lived in Aussie for 3 years way back in the late 80's. Now resident in one of NZ's premier surfing spots. Lots of great reef setups.stickstones said:Thanks oz...keep your portable experiences coming!
I love it that you surf. My family had a store here in the states years ago and it was great growing up in a surf shop
Where abouts in Sydney do you live Ozwiz? I lived in Bondi ... hahaha a kiwi in Bondi ... nuthin new there! Surfed the south coast a bit. Some great waves further south.ozwiz said:He sure is an aussie . I live in Sydney so crowds are a bit of a hassle .Getting to old to hassle for a wave.
vapor_cloud said:Sorry to highjack the thread ... I'm a surfer too. Have been surfing for 25 years ... lived in Aussie for 3 years way back in the late 80's. Now resident in one of NZ's premier surfing spots. Lots of great reef setups.stickstones said:Thanks oz...keep your portable experiences coming!
I love it that you surf. My family had a store here in the states years ago and it was great growing up in a surf shop
Surfing and mulling go hand in hand. I'm also a musician ... play guitar ... sing lead in a band and solo. Have written lots of songs etc ... and again herb has been a major part of that.
Now if I could just get a car kit for my vapor daddy ... I could set it up in the Glove Compartment ... and hit the whip after a classic surf.
Where abouts in Sydney do you live Ozwiz? I lived in Bondi ... hahaha a kiwi in Bondi ... nuthin new there! Surfed the south coast a bit. Some great waves further south.ozwiz said:He sure is an aussie . I live in Sydney so crowds are a bit of a hassle .Getting to old to hassle for a wave.
Check this.ozwiz said:I 've got some photos of the herborizer here piece by piece to show you guys how it works. I'm trying to figure out how to put them in the forum .Any tips would be appreciated.
50!!! thats sweet man. The surfing, vapping population is certainly an aging oneozwiz said:I live in Cronulla good point break always crowded though . I go down sth coast of NSW only an hour out of town you find good spots NO CROWDS. I hit 50 this year so I'm over the crowds. I like the vapor tower for on the road solid as , & have car adapter for it. I 've got some photos of the herborizer here piece by piece to show you guys how it works. I'm trying to figure out how to put them in the forum .Any tips would be appreciated.
The only noise is a slight white noise sound from sucking on the vapor tube-heard only with a big hit on a lightly filled tube in a silent room-in other words, no noise at all during typical use.stickstones said:Max...Is there any noise with the Purple Days?
Also, can you link to any info on the Pocket Vape? Sounds cool and I'd like to look into it.
The Eterra, which came before the Moxie, was the model for Tom's Purple-Days vape.Clear_Dome said: this one seem nice too !!!
That offer ending at midnight is bullshit, I'll bet. I've seen sites do this before and it always says that. I did see a site that was giving away a Genie with the purchase of an Herbalaire.streetsofsurrey said:hey i am from Canada and I am planning to order a vaporgenie. So i need some canadian sites to purchase this product lol. the one I found is
its for 49.99 plus you get a free grinder with some legal herbs (probably crappy weed). Also, I believe the shipping is 12.95. This offer ends at midnight tonight! Can someone tell me if the above link is legit or not?
Also, if you have better deals, then please post ASAP.
I am in a need for a vaping product. I had a Herbal Aire (expensive) and it was simply amazing. But sadly, it got thrown away as I got busted (dont ask).
thanks in advance
So is that website legit?stickstones said:That offer ending at midnight is bullshit, I'll bet. I've seen sites do this before and it always says that. I did see a site that was giving away a Genie with the purchase of an Herbalaire.streetsofsurrey said:hey i am from Canada and I am planning to order a vaporgenie. So i need some canadian sites to purchase this product lol. the one I found is
its for 49.99 plus you get a free grinder with some legal herbs (probably crappy weed). Also, I believe the shipping is 12.95. This offer ends at midnight tonight! Can someone tell me if the above link is legit or not?
Also, if you have better deals, then please post ASAP.
I am in a need for a vaping product. I had a Herbal Aire (expensive) and it was simply amazing. But sadly, it got thrown away as I got busted (dont ask).
thanks in advance
I don't think you will find it cheaper than $50.00 and a free grinder is good, all though it is probably plastic.