Awards mean nothing, note I said read and absorb that thread...
Which is why you need a 3rd-party cleanliness testing lab like Steep Hill ...btw labs like this are rare.
This is meaningless in terms of the answer you're need to understand the problem before you can ask the right question...until then you will never have the answer you seek, hence:
I read the thread, absorbed it all.
We have a lab like that in CO, but for me to send in my stuff every time I buy some is not ideal.
I understand the problem, I don't think you understand the question.
My original question was where/who sells the cleanest concentrates in
COLORADO, hence the title of the thread. NONE of your responses answered my question. Your response and introduction to that thread was helpful but it doesn't address the topic of this thread. That thread you linked me to shows a few concentrate companies and there test results but doesn't tell me where they are, not to mention it is past test results. Instead of answering the question, you pointed me to a list of companies that this lab has tested which does NOT answer my question. Sure it tells me who made good product but it says nothing about where to find it, or if it is even in my state.
You did what so many people on forums do, I am guilty of it to, you took the thread in a different direction by skipping the question and assuming your own answer is the answer to the question asked. You also skipped the simple follow up question of is this for CA only? Because in that thread or on that lab's website it doesn't list locations for these concentrates. I also don't recognize any of those brands (I know a few of brands from Colorado, none are on that list)
So to back up to the original point of this thread....
I am hoping to get answers from people who live in CO and have had success first hand with purchasing quality stuff! Where do you go? Whats good? Who do you trust?