And that is why i'm starting to think my PNP is working just fine. They probably turned them down to stop the problems.
I have been really trying to give my PNP chance but I think I have come to the conclusion that it is just not for me. I tried it on 2(I tried 1 but got no vapor at all) and it has good flavor but the hits are so light and airy. I tried hitting it as slow as I can and it just isn't the vapor I want so I turned it up to 3 and this vapor seems thicker and more like what I am looking for but the taste is instantly gone. I'm starting to regret selling my inhalater XP.
I have been vaping for quite awhile and have tried many portable vaporizers. I'm thinking it's not working properly. I'll await TRVB's email.Honestly if youre getting light airy hits om the #2 setting with a fresh bowl, either your expectations are way beyond the average person or your PNP has a problem. The Pro may have some issues but I havent heard much complaining about how it hits. If you purchased a used one, I wouldnt judge the Pro, based on that as theres no guarantee the unit you got was functioning properly.
I do the same thing bro. And I usually dont even make it thru a whole bullet. I reuse the same stuff on my next session actually you get loads of active Ingredients with little visible vapour at lower temps.Got to admit I much prefer now heating the Sre putting the bullet in. ly I would hit it as soon as I smelt the dank ut now I active 60secs after putting the bullet in and I am getting much better flavour and a lot more medicatedim not really up on all my flavanoid/turpentines whatever they are....nicely vaked right now off only 1 bullet, previously it took me 2 bullets to not even get this high! woo hoo
Lizard King, That's exactly where my Pnp broke. It cost $50 + shipping to get my unit fixed from VaporBlunt.
Could do with a clean. MP/PonG sticking was it??
what temperature do you use it at?
Q. Does everyone find the herbs are baked after a pre heat and session until auto shut off so that's about 4 to 5 mins of vaping max at setting 3? Only my abv looks green.
that's what i do. tastes better and lasts longer. mine takes 1:45 to heat up to 1. I don't want it to start cooking the bullet, so i let out heat up for 1 min, 1:15 then drop in the bullet. I'll start hitting it before the light stops too.Got to admit I much prefer now heating the unit up before putting the bullet in. Previously I would hit it as soon as I smelt the dank but now I hit it 60secs after putting the bullet in and I am getting much better flavour and a lot more medicatedim not really up on all my flavanoid/turpentines whatever they are....nicely vaked right now off only 1 bullet, previously it took me 2 bullets to not even get this high! woo hoo
Welcome to the forum @Lao wai . The battery often rattles around. You can open it up with the two side tabs, but that would probably void your warranty.Pinnacle Pro Rattle
just bought a Pinnacle Pro two weeks ago. I've got a rattle down in the area of the battery. Sounds like a piece of plastic. Anybody else have this problem or tried to remove the cap where the battery is? I contacted the Vapor Blunt folks and they told me that it wasn't covered under warranty. Really love this vape but hate the rattle.
Welcome to the forum @Lao wai . The battery often rattles around. You can open it up with the two side tabs, but that would probably void your warranty.
Is the rattling that bad?
It is comments like this that make me feel that my problem is not important to this company. You say you are a sales/invention guy. Does this mean you are part owner or owner? If so I ask that you take "20 seconds" and make a full statement on why if this issue is known you are charging customers for a fix and not covering it with the warranty. Simply charging people for design flaws while making open comments like " I've spoke with engineering, they are aware of the issue." Just doesn't cut it. My PPro has been with you for two months and we are still in the same spot as I refuse to pay anymore money for a fix. I understand you are looking for a fix and I am hopeful. Unfortunately when I paid $204 I must have missed the clause that said I would need to invest another $105 to fix my unit after a month and a half.I'm waiting on engineering, this subject is out of my skill level. I don't have a comment or a resolution.
I am a sales/invention guy, not an engineer. The fact someone is upset that I wrote "4-6 weeks" to answer someone else's question without addressing their question makes me wonder if there is any right answer to give. that one sentence took me 20 seconds to write, not exactly a deep thought on a serious subject.
New member here, first time poster long time lurker. After reading this thread, I just had to come here and say that for me this has been the best vaporizer, it has replaced even my solo as a desktop unit. And the solo is awesome, so this simply must be even awesomeR. I just get more out of the herb with PNP than any other vapo I have owned so far. I also have the Volcano. Because I have done lots of investigating (thx everyone BTW!), I have bought 3 most awesome products and no bad products so far, so I guess my opinion could be worth a penny?
So, I have been lucky with this one I guess, no problems with my unit or the PONGs or anything. I never use it above tempereture setting 3, can't imagine any reason for anyone to do so (with LL). Only slight downsides with PNP I have noticed are the bad battery life, (I just always keep it full, not a huge problem, battery is enough for 2-3 sessions outside) and the MP not being very tightly attached to the unit. I got a bag for mine when I carry it, so never had real problems with this known downside either.
Greetings all! Haven’t had much time to write, the reason is explained below…
But first some comments to the posters that are having no luck with your PNP producing vapor. PLEASE do this simple test. Suck through a freshly packed bullet and remember how hard/easy it is to draw. Put bullet back in your PNP, cap with your Pong/GonG/WonG/personal-whatever and suck on it again. Was it easier; if so ask yourself why is this? Shake your PNP up/down, does it rattle like the bullet is loose? Tell you what folks, once I made this connection of loose bullet and leaks, my PNP experiences have been through the roof. It has also made the FMJ usable; still no luck getting any concentrates other than reclaim-vape to test. Keeping the bullet locked in place is easy for me with my BB-Nipple Adjust-A-Bowl GonG. I have created numerous pokey devices to make sure the screen keeps the bullets in place. Here is a photo of one I made from a bike spoke, but anything will work (straw, nail, pencil, etc.)…
The BarnBoy has shown he is very meticulous about cleaning his bullets and PNP, inspecting both as often as I can. I noticed over time my bullets were starting to get tan/brown. Not a big deal as they are simply “BAKEWARE” for the PNP, so just like my baking sheets, I kind of expected them to get darker over time. But this weekend after the broken bullet posts, I noticed a couple of my bullets were really shiny. And the cause is a bit of a surprise. As promised, below is a picture of how dark my ABV gets normally (upper left tin), and how extremely dark it gets after I add a few drops (x4-x5) of E-Juice (upper right tin). It was the making of this photo where I connected the cleaning of that E-Juiced bullet as a new clean and shiny bullet to the line-up. I think the glycerin in the E-Juice (a.k.a. FOG) will soften the bake-on so the ISO can take it away. I even found my cotton soaked E-Juice bullet was sparkling clean. So I now rotate them to keep the batch of x8 bullets shiny clean. The bottom photos show a brown-baked bullet (left) and much cleaner one after I finished off a session with E-Juice (right)…
As many of you noted, the BarnBoy is very positive kind of guy, always trying to look on the bright side of life (insert Monty Python song). Well what has been keeping me busy is now dealing with a crack I discovered this weekend and diagnosing why it happens. Unlike any posted photos, it is on the back wall. At first, I thought it was a seam-line but using a magnifier, I can get it to gap a bit. And with the posts of others, I expect it to get worse over time! I needed a solution. I will post my fix after I get enough hours of testing, and will offer the same to those who have shown the BarnBoy love with his posts…
More to come…
Greetings all! Haven’t had much time to write, the reason is explained below…
But first some comments to the posters that are having no luck with your PNP producing vapor. PLEASE do this simple test. Suck through a freshly packed bullet and remember how hard/easy it is to draw. Put bullet back in your PNP, cap with your Pong/GonG/WonG/personal-whatever and suck on it again. Was it easier; if so ask yourself why is this? Shake your PNP up/down, does it rattle like the bullet is loose? Tell you what folks, once I made this connection of loose bullet and leaks, my PNP experiences have been through the roof. It has also made the FMJ usable; still no luck getting any concentrates other than reclaim-vape to test. Keeping the bullet locked in place is easy for me with my BB-Nipple Adjust-A-Bowl GonG. I have created numerous pokey devices to make sure the screen keeps the bullets in place. Here is a photo of one I made from a bike spoke, but anything will work (straw, nail, pencil, etc.)…
The BarnBoy has shown he is very meticulous about cleaning his bullets and PNP, inspecting both as often as I can. I noticed over time my bullets were starting to get tan/brown. Not a big deal as they are simply “BAKEWARE” for the PNP, so just like my baking sheets, I kind of expected them to get darker over time. But this weekend after the broken bullet posts, I noticed a couple of my bullets were really shiny. And the cause is a bit of a surprise. As promised, below is a picture of how dark my ABV gets normally (upper left tin), and how extremely dark it gets after I add a few drops (x4-x5) of E-Juice (upper right tin). It was the making of this photo where I connected the cleaning of that E-Juiced bullet as a new clean and shiny bullet to the line-up. I think the glycerin in the E-Juice (a.k.a. FOG) will soften the bake-on so the ISO can take it away. I even found my cotton soaked E-Juice bullet was sparkling clean. So I now rotate them to keep the batch of x8 bullets shiny clean. The bottom photos show a brown-baked bullet (left) and much cleaner one after I finished off a session with E-Juice (right)…
As many of you noted, the BarnBoy is very positive kind of guy, always trying to look on the bright side of life (insert Monty Python song). Well what has been keeping me busy is now dealing with a crack I discovered this weekend and diagnosing why it happens. Unlike any posted photos, it is on the back wall. At first, I thought it was a seam-line but using a magnifier, I can get it to gap a bit. And with the posts of others, I expect it to get worse over time! I needed a solution. I will post my fix after I get enough hours of testing, and will offer the same to those who have shown the BarnBoy love with his posts…
More to come…
Out of curiosity, i tried using ejuice in my pnp a while back but didn't like the taste or heat of the vapor... but I did observe this phenomenon of the glycerin and heat cleaning the bullet- but that sweet taste was overbearing haha-Greetings all! Haven’t had much time to write, the reason is explained below…
But first some comments to the posters that are having no luck with your PNP producing vapor. PLEASE do this simple test. Suck through a freshly packed bullet and remember how hard/easy it is to draw. Put bullet back in your PNP, cap with your Pong/GonG/WonG/personal-whatever and suck on it again. Was it easier; if so ask yourself why is this? Shake your PNP up/down, does it rattle like the bullet is loose? Tell you what folks, once I made this connection of loose bullet and leaks, my PNP experiences have been through the roof. It has also made the FMJ usable; still no luck getting any concentrates other than reclaim-vape to test. Keeping the bullet locked in place is easy for me with my BB-Nipple Adjust-A-Bowl GonG. I have created numerous pokey devices to make sure the screen keeps the bullets in place. Here is a photo of one I made from a bike spoke, but anything will work (straw, nail, pencil, etc.)…
The BarnBoy has shown he is very meticulous about cleaning his bullets and PNP, inspecting both as often as I can. I noticed over time my bullets were starting to get tan/brown. Not a big deal as they are simply “BAKEWARE” for the PNP, so just like my baking sheets, I kind of expected them to get darker over time. But this weekend after the broken bullet posts, I noticed a couple of my bullets were really shiny. And the cause is a bit of a surprise. As promised, below is a picture of how dark my ABV gets normally (upper left tin), and how extremely dark it gets after I add a few drops (x4-x5) of E-Juice (upper right tin). It was the making of this photo where I connected the cleaning of that E-Juiced bullet as a new clean and shiny bullet to the line-up. I think the glycerin in the E-Juice (a.k.a. FOG) will soften the bake-on so the ISO can take it away. I even found my cotton soaked E-Juice bullet was sparkling clean. So I now rotate them to keep the batch of x8 bullets shiny clean. The bottom photos show a brown-baked bullet (left) and much cleaner one after I finished off a session with E-Juice (right)…
As many of you noted, the BarnBoy is very positive kind of guy, always trying to look on the bright side of life (insert Monty Python song). Well what has been keeping me busy is now dealing with a crack I discovered this weekend and diagnosing why it happens. Unlike any posted photos, it is on the back wall. At first, I thought it was a seam-line but using a magnifier, I can get it to gap a bit. And with the posts of others, I expect it to get worse over time! I needed a solution. I will post my fix after I get enough hours of testing, and will offer the same to those who have shown the BarnBoy love with his posts…
More to come…
Keeping the bullet locked in place is easy for me with my BB-Nipple Adjust-A-Bowl GonG. I have created numerous pokey devices to make sure the screen keeps the bullets in place. Here is a photo of one I made from a bike spoke, but anything will work (straw, nail, pencil, etc.)…
Well what has been keeping me busy is now dealing with a crack I discovered this weekend and diagnosing why it happens. Unlike any posted photos, it is on the back wall. At first, I thought it was a seam-line but using a magnifier, I can get it to gap a bit. And with the posts of others, I expect it to get worse over time! I needed a solution. I will post my fix after I get enough hours of testing, and will offer the same to those who have shown the BarnBoy love with his posts…
Hi best forum on the net.
Here's my Pinnacle Pro update after a few weeks of use.
This thing makes the clouds! A loosely loaded bullet easily gets 3 of us tuned up on level 3. I'd pay $300US for the PP if it had a metal housing (like the Pax) and a glass mouthpiece that stayed secure while in my pocket.
I'm a bit disappointed that VaporBlunt didn't keep their word when they told me they'd send me a glass replacement gong as soon as they received my tracking info. that I returned the plastic one - and didn't. I'm still waiting and hopefully will receive it soon. However, they've answered 3 out of 4 emails, in a timely manner, that I've sent since my purchase directly from their website.
Metal housing, secure glass mouthpiece, improved battery life and stepping up the customer service to Ploom level would make this the best portable vaporizer available.
It seems you spend more time at this forum than you do answering your phones and providing customer support. I left three messages in concern over how hot my new Pinnacle Pro is getting. I am new to the entire vape process and am concerned that I am inhaling plastic. It gets real hot! Is this normal? Should I be worried?
We pay a lot of money for your product and a little customer support would be in order.
Does anyone here have similar problem and should I be worried?
I like the Pinnacle Pro but the plastic is a big concern.