OG Vape God
So yesterday I realized that my mouthpiece was so clogged that I was no longer able to get I satisfying draw. I have had my pp for a little over a month, i have maybe used my pax twice since I had my pp, and I use my pp relatively heavy( at least 4 times a day during the week and twice as much on the weekend). I tried to boil it in hot water, ended up accidentally letting the water evaporate from the pot, and put a hairline crack in the tip were it will no longer fit in the mp. Fucked up I know, but I ordered another one this morning and it should be in soon. What's more fucked up is that I put the mp back on the pp and still had a clogged screen!!!!! I ended up taking the screen out, scraping the hell out of it, putting it back in my mp, and I still have a fucked up draw!!!!!!! So right now I am using the clear pong that came with my wt ( I am burning flower and am not going over level 3) because I don't want my black pong to clogg considering I do use it with my wt a couple times through out the week and on the weekend, and I still don't know how to clean it, and which leads me to my next question. How in the hell do you unclog the screens on the mp and pong!!!!!!! I asked yesterday and no one responded so I figured I would provide some history behind my question, and hope some one would have pity on my poor lost soul, and help me the hell out 

Thanks for listening