Hello all,
I'm relatively new on FC but had a stint this summer over at the Ascent thread. After saving up some money from various summer jobs, I preordered a 'Stealth' unit and expressly returned that unfortunate little thing for reasons that mayn't be disclosed on this board.
After lurking here for a while, I decided to take another risk, and consequently another chunk of my blue-collar money, and order a Pinnacle Pro + water tool from theyoyokid1 on eBay the day after the device released.
I have not regretted a penny of that rather reasonably-priced splurge. Every single day this term at college, the Pinnacle has been used with/without water tool and with/without friends. It is smooth, efficient, and, I have learned, has a potent battery packed inside when charged properly.
My life has been a whole lot more enjoyable/beautiful at college with this little thing.
My friends and I generally have the device set to 4/5 with he water tool, and to 2/3 without, in case such a piece of info holds any importance to anybody.
Also, I'm mostly a complete novice when it comes to the vaporization if marijuana. I use peppermint leaf as a kind of control to test vapor quality/smoothness, but then again I've only owned the Launch Box (in walnut, mind you), the Ascent, and now the Pinnacle Pro.
Life's good.