Hello, everyone!
(TL;DR warning, and please excuse my English, not my first language)
I've been lurking around these parts for around eight months now, and figured it was time to register and contribute to the best of my ability. I really want to start out by thanking the people on this forum for giving people considering switching to vapor so much information. It is one thing to read articles, but a wholly `nother thing to read actual user experiences - good and bad. With out this forum I wouldn't been able to make the switch from smoke to vapor so smoothly, and I would've missed out on the health benefits and of course all the other good things about this hobby (or lifestyle, rather)... Thank you, and keep spreading the "gospel" of healthy canna consumption

A lot of my friends are vaping now, after seeing, feeling and tasting how much better it is than combustion. We're saving lives, and bringing canna in to the future here, folks!
The Pinnacle Pro is my first vape. Before that I've been smoking Euro Style spliffs, and the occational bong rip, for about 15 years, and my lungs couldn't handle it anymore. As some of you may know, in parts of Europe "Middle Eatsern" hash is often smoked mixed with tobacco and rolled in joints (no, my dear UK canna-brethren, we're not talking soap bar ;D Older folks from the UK, US and Canada know what I'm saying, as well as most "stoners" from Scandinavia, Germany, Spain, Portugal, Greece and of course India, Nepal and the Middle East). When I was smoking, I largely preferred this "old school" hash and it's more balanced and mellow effect to the modern, more intense high end weed. Now, of course, being able to control temps to achieve different effects, high grade modern weed has become a new favourite for me. Vaping really brings out the differences in the strains as well - from flavour to effect.
Being able to use what you Murrcans call "concentrates" was important for me when choosing a vape, as well as portability and stealth when out and about. I basically wanted a vape to replace my spliffs, not something reminding me of the bongs I know many are fond of.
I found out that the PnP works well with Middle Eastern Hash! It's a sticky mess to clean up though, so I must admit vaping changed my preferences from this form of hash to buds and the occational "modern" concentrate... when it's available in this cold and barren land, so far far faaaar away from Cali. A lot easier to dump the ABV out into the ABV bowl and pack a new one, than scraping the sticky hash out.
My hash technique now involves using a regular bullet, rolling high quality hash in to a ball, covering the ball in unbleached raw papers (hey, I've been smoking paper from the age of 11 `till 28, so I probably wont die from vaping some raws lol), and thus containing the stickyness of this exotic hash within the paper, but not affecting vapor production. Remember this hash is NOT full melt, and was never made for anything but combustion.
I almost feel as if I should make a "VAPING IMPORT/MIDDLE EASTERN HASH"-thread here, but I'll wait `till I become a more seasoned member of this board

I know a lot of Europeans have access to good hash and shit weed, so I feel there should be a conversation about this.
I really like the PnP. It feels like something made by an enthusiast in a garage, for others like him. The only reason I have not recommended it to many people is that it requires an interest in vaping beyond just pressing a button and getting high. So only one of my friends got this little beauty, and he is the gadget kinda guy. Most of my other friends whom I have "converted" now rock with FireFlys or Pax'es.
Still I really like it. It is SO easy to use, even for a n00b. It requires some "modding" though, but that appeals to me - a one time Master Spliff Roller. It IS slightly to harsh on the troath, even with technique. I never go above heat level 2 with herb, and that is mainly just to finish a bullet of. Still i find it irritates my throat, whereas with the FireFly I can do heavy rips, and it feels smooth as Norwegian Mountain Air!
What I do is I either vaporbong it through water or I hook it up to a long glass downstem and then hook the downstem to a Da Buddah hose and glass mouthpiece. Works great! One only has to be careful not to tip the top off, so a certain holding technique is required. Maybe I should just get the WT?
I can live with the slightly harsh vape that comes from only using the GPonG (waaay better than the PonG though. This did actually melt on me, a setting 1 kinda guy), when out and about. The ease of loading herb and dumping ABV on the go makes up for that, as well as the super stealth of the unit. Airport security asked me if it was some sort of insuline needle. "No", i replied, "it's an e-cigar", and then I went on to explain to him the benefits of vaping organic tobacco rather than e-juice looooool
Now, after approx 6 months of HEAVY use, my collar is cracking. I've inquired about a replacement one from TYYK1 when I bought the new elongated glass stem earlier today. It seems rather easy to replace. I really do not want to send it across the atlantic ocean to change such a small part.
All in all, this vape will always have a special place in my heart, as it is the one who saved me from the horrors of combustion.
@TherealVaporblunt I hope you continue to stand behind your product and make sure customers get help when they need it. With the recent development I feel a lot safer when recommending your products to people who are curious about vaping. A good first impression is important to get people to convert. I'm exited to see where you can take this design, and I'm sure you've learned a lot from the whole PnP experience. As people have said, better materials is the key here, because this vape is ingenious! Thank you!
All right. My next posts wont be an essay like this, but I've read each and every post in this thread so I felt I had rather a lot to get of my chest.
Stay vaping, and let's keep this forum the nice place it is
Have a nice day,
(who's been 100% smoke free for six months, and now can RUN up a set of stairs with ease)