I have to agree
This thing
just works, right out of the box. You have to charge it up of course

, but there's no special technique to learn for the pp for which I am grateful. I have to refine the balance between big clouds and great taste but based upon first impressions, the pp is certainly capable of both. I really like the fact that there is no real learning curve or unique technique required for the pp, just pack it loose enough to allow for air flow and let her rip.
This is a vaporizer that you can pass around to your combuster/noob friends without fear; they won't screw it up or combust, and if there's weed in it they'll actually get high. I started a half-bowl off at 3 and got some great taste out of a couple of long slow hits, but only wispy clouds. I am a heavy hitter so I turned it up to 4 and got a good long hit that turned to popcorn toward the end and
definitely provided a satisfying cloud upon exhale. The avb is very evenly cooked, overall very promising so far!
I filled it full and started it at level 4 the second time, and the pp did not disappoint. I had to turn it back down to 3 to finish it, big clouds a-rippin' all the way. I need to refine my technique, but I now have no doubts about its capabilities. Next time I will exercise
a bit more patience
For me this is huge. I've been frustrated with battery-powered vapes since the pax which I also had issues with, but I can already tell that
this one's a keeper. I don't miss the pax any more, the hits and taste and efficiency are already better with the pp. The pax has the tiny cool factor going for it but that's about it in comparison. I didn't know what to think of the ascent so I won't compare, but I don't feel like I'm wasting material with this one and that is the other big part of the equation for me.
The blinking colored lights on the pp are fun but never annoying, they actually look more tasteful than I thought they would and they're usefully intuitive. It would be sweet if it stood up without the stand, and the bullets do get hot, but they cool down quickly and the stand-up on its own thing would bother me more if I was a big oil user which I am not. But these are extremely minor nitpicks.
edit/update: Using the pp direct I do get consistent vapor on level 3 with a full bowl; with a less than full bowl the load pulls away from the bottom and I didn't find the vapor to be as consistent; very tasty but on level 3 the clouds are not so thick. Level 4 gives huge thick clouds but it's harsh enough to induce coughing without the ht. Using the matching pinnacle ht, it's easy to get heavy clouds without any harshness on level 4. I should also state that I have been using the pong as a mouthpiece the whole time. If I was to pass the pp around to combuster/noobs I might use the mouthpiece/tip instead, but I like to use the pong for direct draw; it's easy to self-regulate and comfortable. I obviously don't have to change it to attach the ht so that's also a plus.
I do have heavy expectations for my portables; besides being small enough to easily jam into a pocket, they have to hit hard, be relatively easy to use, and be efficient with my material, and this is the first battery-powered unit to meet all of these requirements for me. Based on what I have read I think that the original model would also come up short, but my early feeling is that vb knocked it out of the park with the pinnacle pro.
Well done Vaporblunt!