I have a terrible habit of fall asleep while my pnp is on the charger, sometimes I need it to be charged for the morning and don't have time to plug it in when I wake up so I try to get it charged before I sleep but I always seem to crash before its done. How bad is this for my battery? Also if I pop it on the charger while its just a bar or 2 low is this also bad practice for my batteries longevity. I would like to take the best care of this portable as I can so it last. Any feed back on others experience with the battery charging and preventive care options would help me out a lot.
No worries. .....
Most always would leave them on charge overnight. Never a problem.
Always tried to top off as soon as practical, too. Less stress on battery. Think conditioning only possibly a factor with first charge or so with certain types of batteries, but probably not much issue with these. Not a battery expert though.

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