Phase3 Vaporizers


Well-Known Member
I tried a number of different types of balls (stainless, boro, zirconia, ruby, etc.) in my first ball vape (Elev8r) and came to the conclusion there wasn't a significant difference by the end of the day. I knew the hit I was looking for (flavorful, small loads) and changing the balls just meant changing something else (preheat, draw length, grind, pack, etc.) to achieve the desired hit. However, if I changed the type of hit I was looking for (longer sessions, clouds, etc.) I would probably run through the ball options again to see what happened.

Sultana lungs

Well-Known Member
I tried a number of different types of balls (stainless, boro, zirconia, ruby, etc.) in my first ball vape (Elev8r) and came to the conclusion there wasn't a significant difference by the end of the day. I knew the hit I was looking for (flavorful, small loads) and changing the balls just meant changing something else (preheat, draw length, grind, pack, etc.) to achieve the desired hit. However, if I changed the type of hit I was looking for (longer sessions, clouds, etc.) I would probably run through the ball options again to see what happened.
I also struggled to tell If there was a significant difference between Zirc and Ruby I have now mixed them I found myself thinking about the balls too much instead of just enjoying the experience


Well-Known Member
Just jumped on the ZX pre-order :cool:. This is my first ball vape since using the Herborizer XL over a decade ago so I can’t wait to see how it compares. I see there are a few people using wood PID coil handles on the ZX. Which wood handle is compatible on Ed’s TnT site(doesn’t appear to call out the ZX vape specifically on this site)?


Well-Known Member
Just jumped on the ZX pre-order :cool:. This is my first ball vape since using the Herborizer XL over a decade ago so I can’t wait to see how it compares. I see there are a few people using wood PID coil handles on the ZX. Which wood handle is compatible on Ed’s TnT site(doesn’t appear to call out the ZX vape specifically on this site)?
Hey buddy, ive got my Eds Cocobolo B2 handle on mine, if I was going again id get a shorty. However it works lovely just a little heavy. Saw some lovely ones from Azzwood Customs, but UK.

I have 2 sets of these hands also as they came as a 4 pack and I have another displaying buds for photos....(i have a gallery of every strain ive had in the last 3 years....geek) if anyone wants one for theirs! Free just post!



Well-Known Member
Just jumped on the ZX pre-order :cool:. This is my first ball vape since using the Herborizer XL over a decade ago so I can’t wait to see how it compares. I see there are a few people using wood PID coil handles on the ZX. Which wood handle is compatible on Ed’s TnT site(doesn’t appear to call out the ZX vape specifically on this site)?
I'm not sure if the coils will be the same but you'd remove the rubber sleeve covering where the coil meets the cable. Both the long and short cocobolo pid/enail handles both should work but may need a little sanding.


Well-Known Member
Looks like an update was posted on the gophase3 Instagram page. Hopefully this means things are back on track and moving along:

"ZX & ZXL Preorder ends tomorrow. If you’ve been thinking of joining the Z-Tribe while the discount is running now is definitely the time.
Thanks so much for your support and patience! It helps a lot 🙏
Everything is coming together and shipping out soon 📦
Does anyone know if the pinout is the same as on the pid that came with the screwball? It's that standard green one I have.
Hope I'm not too late to get me a ZX.
yes it should be the their kit page they said that their coil is compatible with auber, crossing and disorderly conduction so must be the same pinout as zx coil...


Art is beauty
Hi. I want to visit Spain in the fall for an extended period. Do I need a new coil and PID for EU or can I use a voltage step down converter? That changes from 220 to 110. The hertz though are still different and I don't know if that is an issue.



Microbe minion
I'm honestly not sure if the frequency would cause a problem, I'd be surprised if it did though. Most PIDs are international, meaning they covert to DC from any local voltage like a laptop charger. You'd only need a 220v coil, and a local power cable to make it work, and I think that would be my preference if I were in your position. That coil would probably have some resale value too.

Check the PID to see if accepts 220v. 👍


Just a dude
Hi. I want to visit Spain in the fall for an extended period. Do I need a new coil and PID for EU or can I use a voltage step down converter? That changes from 220 to 110. The hertz though are still different and I don't know if that is an issue.

Like Professor @Cheebsy says, your PID should have a switch and all you’ll need is a 220 coil- recommend checking with @710Coils which is where I got mine. Disorderly Conduction used to have a 220 coil as well I think, anyway a coil would be much more preferable to a step-down transformer imo.


Well-Known Member
Awesome thanks for measuring! Since my basket screens come out flared/pleated, it sounds like my BP465 size basket screens would work. And it looks like I can get the key piece of the puzzle to make this all work as intended.

I'll get started tinkering. If anyone is interested in helping me beta-test the new basket screens, please fill out this custom form -

Most likely I'll build a prototype and punch out a bunch of screens for people to help beta-test before I publish the press itself to my website.
I've been using Mike's test basket screen now for awhile. The walls were a little high for the Z bowl.. He mentioned as he continues to work on the press, he'll try a smaller size that'll hopefully fit well for that.

What I received does work great in the Phase3 glass bowl! Definitely raised the herb up, allowing for lower temps and great flavor :rockon:
I've trimmed just a bit off the top of the basket since this pic.

HERE's a couple of pulls, medium grind, with a quick stir. About 10 degrees lower than usual.
HERE's one, fine grind, with a bit more chug.

Probably using about the same about of herb as I would with the flat screen. A little tricky to get it to sit how you want at first, but some practice and buildup helps. Well done :clap:


Well-Known Member

Trim the sides of th basket down a bit.
That is how I have mine and it's worked for years.
ZX is a bomb on those!
Yea I remember your pics a few pages back! I did take off about half the height with some mini scissors as best I could on one. It’s a bit loose for the glass, but does fit the Z bowl. Looks like it raises just a bit. I’ll try it out later.


Greetings friends,

My sincere apologies for my absence.
After I moved I had a lot of new things to take care of again and my communication took a dive because of it.

I've caught up with most emails and Instagram DM's, but I still need to go through my messages on here.

Thanks so much to everyone for your patience and support. And thanks to everyone for holding it down here.

I loved catching up on this thread and reading all the comments from the satisfied enthusiasts from the previous round. As well as seeing the excitement from folks looking forward to this incoming round, it's a good feeling.

Appreciate everyones enthusiasm, it's so great to see the comments and feedback and it makes me feel good about continuing to make these products for you passionate folks seeking a supreme vapor experience.

I sincerely apologize for the delays and missed deadlines for this second round.
Realistically my manufacturers have been late on their estimated timelines during this production period, which has continued to make my estimations inaccurate as well.
There's not a whole lot I can do about that other than try to be more proactive next time. Definitely still learning here, so these are all lessons to deal with, ponder on, and grow from. It's unfortunate it has to be that way but I guess it's part of the game that's bound to happen eventually with small one-man operations like this. I've learned a lot from these incidents and that will be useful in the future to better navigate these territories.

There were a couple main events that have led up to these missed timelines.
First of all, right out of the gate I was a little late with ordering the parts to begin with as I was still mulling over a few specifications for a while longer than I anticipated. Those who have read the thread know how peculiar and important the smallest details are to me so I pondered on a few final features and measurements for a while. That put me a couple weeks behind already, but it was important to me that I take the time to get these things right as that's what makes the ZX different - the years of research and development spent pioneering this purpose built, coil powered, ruby ball vape concept. Even though I technically have more experience building 18MM ball vapes, those prior designs were all made from quartz and borosilicate glass, so some of the values needed to be calculated and modified for the material change.

The main delay from this round came from an issue with my payment to my ceramics manufacturer. Previously these parts were all paid for using a different payment method, this time I did a direct bank transfer at my manufacturers request, and basically because of one very small detail the funds were put on hold and took several weeks to finally clear. Essentially what happened is an international transfer of funds, but I accidentally sent the payment in their currency rather than in my domestic currency. It was my first time doing a wire transfer and I never assumed it would be an issue. We spent weeks working with our banks trying to trace the funds. It was super stressful because that single event alone could have killed the company if the funds for these parts were lost, it's not something I'd really be able to recover from. Thankfully I finally figured out this currency issue, passed that info along to my MFG, and sure enough my manufacturers bank was able to finally get the funds released. Unfortunately this delayed production for multiple weeks as it's standard practice for shops to not begin manufacturing until the invoice payment has cleared.

Since we have done business for a while and established some trust together, despite the delay in the funds being cleared, my manufacturer had told me we were still on time for production and they even had sent me photos of the ceramic blanks already formed and ready for final machining. However somehow it ended up taking almost another entire month from when I saw photos of the blanks to the final parts actually being completed. I still haven't been able to get an answer on what happened that things took so much more time when they were already almost done. It is possible that production were just backed up and slowed down due to it being the end of the year (last month, in December)

Finally, I was told the ceramic components shipped on January 3rd so I truly figured these parts had to be stuck in customs waiting to clear. On January 12 I asked my manufacturer if the parcel was delivered as they never actually sent me my tracking information. I was told that the products were handed over to the freight forwarder for processing and that service is used to obtain lower rates for shipping than going directly from the courier. It seems reasonable enough to me, but none of this was anything I was told or made aware of, so unfortunately these additional unexpected delays have set back the timeline to where we're currently at.

All this to say that everything is coming together quickly now and we're really at the finish line. So I sincerely apologize for the delays but I graciously thank everyone for sticking it out. It means and helps a ton and I'm grateful for your trust in me and my products and for the opportunity to be here.

Despite my lapse in communication I haven't been totally asleep at the wheel - in the background I've been working on future concepts and developing the next wave for my true connoisseur enthusiasts. I'm excited to show and share more about that later when the time is right.

Ceramic components are estimated for a Wednesday delivery. I'll need to sort, assemble, and process everything for shipment and they will be going out as soon as I possibly can get them out. I'm super stoked to get these to you guys and can't wait to hear what you all think!

Other info I'm trying to relay from catching up on the last 10 pages or so.

Unfortunately I missed the ZX debut on the Troy & Jerry show as my refrigerator had went out that evening and I had just bought groceries that day and I was a bit tied up trying to get that resolved. I was excited to be there to answer questions but I just wasn't able to make it at that time.

Regarding coil stretching - the last round that went out in November was supposed to have 5 wraps but apparently the coil manufacturer measures them a little differently than I do. Those coils are a little shorter and could be stretched a bit if desired, though it's definitely not necessary. The incoming coils are all the longer 5 wrap version like the Z8/ZX was designed around.

Regarding micro dose bowls and putting the flower closer to the heater - it's always beneficial to get the herb closer to the heater, however the main issue with this is it significantly limits the bowl capacity when done so. The ZX is designed to work incredibly well with extremely small amounts, while still having the capacity to load up to 0.2, maybe even 0.25g depending on the density of your botanicals. I had to choose a happy medium in designing these specifications for both ends of the spectrum while keeping my SKUs to a minimum, and that's basically where the ZXBowl is at. If you check out my Sandcastle Vapor Wand testing the herb is extremely close to the screen, which is good for performance, but again, limits the versatility. An adjustable screen could be a solution, but I'm not in love with the screen placement of them. A lot of people wanted something very solid and secure which is why the ZXB has a rigid screen shelf just like the actual ZX heater. I'm toying around with bringing the Z-Pro concept back so perhaps that would demonstrate some other designs I've come up with.

Incoming ZXBowls have just a few tiny changes added compared to the first round of them. Just minor details.

ZXXL is coming too but I ended up delaying that one a bit as I just wanted to make sure the ZXL release went over smoothly first.

Incoming ZX/ZXL's are all going to be shipping with sapphire beads instead of ruby.
I decided to go ahead and make this switch as I just think it's better. The rubies look cooler, but I find that sapphire edges them out in regards to purity.

Well I think that's most of it for now, but feel free to holler if I can answer any questions about anything.

Thanks again for your patience, cooperation, understanding, and support! It means and helps me a ton!!


Your friendly neighborhood phase change experts

P.S. here's a few ZXL sneak peaks for my friends here, I haven't posted these anywhere yet!



Cheers all and happy vaping!!


Letaps Stash

Well-Known Member
Greetings friends,

My sincere apologies for my absence.
After I moved I had a lot of new things to take care of again and my communication took a dive because of it.

I've caught up with most emails and Instagram DM's, but I still need to go through my messages on here.

Thanks so much to everyone for your patience and support. And thanks to everyone for holding it down here.

I loved catching up on this thread and reading all the comments from the satisfied enthusiasts from the previous round. As well as seeing the excitement from folks looking forward to this incoming round, it's a good feeling.

Appreciate everyones enthusiasm, it's so great to see the comments and feedback and it makes me feel good about continuing to make these products for you passionate folks seeking a supreme vapor experience.

I sincerely apologize for the delays and missed deadlines for this second round.
Realistically my manufacturers have been late on their estimated timelines during this production period, which has continued to make my estimations inaccurate as well.
There's not a whole lot I can do about that other than try to be more proactive next time. Definitely still learning here, so these are all lessons to deal with, ponder on, and grow from. It's unfortunate it has to be that way but I guess it's part of the game that's bound to happen eventually with small one-man operations like this. I've learned a lot from these incidents and that will be useful in the future to better navigate these territories.

There were a couple main events that have led up to these missed timelines.
First of all, right out of the gate I was a little late with ordering the parts to begin with as I was still mulling over a few specifications for a while longer than I anticipated. Those who have read the thread know how peculiar and important the smallest details are to me so I pondered on a few final features and measurements for a while. That put me a couple weeks behind already, but it was important to me that I take the time to get these things right as that's what makes the ZX different - the years of research and development spent pioneering this purpose built, coil powered, ruby ball vape concept. Even though I technically have more experience building 18MM ball vapes, those prior designs were all made from quartz and borosilicate glass, so some of the values needed to be calculated and modified for the material change.

The main delay from this round came from an issue with my payment to my ceramics manufacturer. Previously these parts were all paid for using a different payment method, this time I did a direct bank transfer at my manufacturers request, and basically because of one very small detail the funds were put on hold and took several weeks to finally clear. Essentially what happened is an international transfer of funds, but I accidentally sent the payment in their currency rather than in my domestic currency. It was my first time doing a wire transfer and I never assumed it would be an issue. We spent weeks working with our banks trying to trace the funds. It was super stressful because that single event alone could have killed the company if the funds for these parts were lost, it's not something I'd really be able to recover from. Thankfully I finally figured out this currency issue, passed that info along to my MFG, and sure enough my manufacturers bank was able to finally get the funds released. Unfortunately this delayed production for multiple weeks as it's standard practice for shops to not begin manufacturing until the invoice payment has cleared.

Since we have done business for a while and established some trust together, despite the delay in the funds being cleared, my manufacturer had told me we were still on time for production and they even had sent me photos of the ceramic blanks already formed and ready for final machining. However somehow it ended up taking almost another entire month from when I saw photos of the blanks to the final parts actually being completed. I still haven't been able to get an answer on what happened that things took so much more time when they were already almost done. It is possible that production were just backed up and slowed down due to it being the end of the year (last month, in December)

Finally, I was told the ceramic components shipped on January 3rd so I truly figured these parts had to be stuck in customs waiting to clear. On January 12 I asked my manufacturer if the parcel was delivered as they never actually sent me my tracking information. I was told that the products were handed over to the freight forwarder for processing and that service is used to obtain lower rates for shipping than going directly from the courier. It seems reasonable enough to me, but none of this was anything I was told or made aware of, so unfortunately these additional unexpected delays have set back the timeline to where we're currently at.

All this to say that everything is coming together quickly now and we're really at the finish line. So I sincerely apologize for the delays but I graciously thank everyone for sticking it out. It means and helps a ton and I'm grateful for your trust in me and my products and for the opportunity to be here.

Despite my lapse in communication I haven't been totally asleep at the wheel - in the background I've been working on future concepts and developing the next wave for my true connoisseur enthusiasts. I'm excited to show and share more about that later when the time is right.

Ceramic components are estimated for a Wednesday delivery. I'll need to sort, assemble, and process everything for shipment and they will be going out as soon as I possibly can get them out. I'm super stoked to get these to you guys and can't wait to hear what you all think!

Other info I'm trying to relay from catching up on the last 10 pages or so.

Unfortunately I missed the ZX debut on the Troy & Jerry show as my refrigerator had went out that evening and I had just bought groceries that day and I was a bit tied up trying to get that resolved. I was excited to be there to answer questions but I just wasn't able to make it at that time.

Regarding coil stretching - the last round that went out in November was supposed to have 5 wraps but apparently the coil manufacturer measures them a little differently than I do. Those coils are a little shorter and could be stretched a bit if desired, though it's definitely not necessary. The incoming coils are all the longer 5 wrap version like the Z8/ZX was designed around.

Regarding micro dose bowls and putting the flower closer to the heater - it's always beneficial to get the herb closer to the heater, however the main issue with this is it significantly limits the bowl capacity when done so. The ZX is designed to work incredibly well with extremely small amounts, while still having the capacity to load up to 0.2, maybe even 0.25g depending on the density of your botanicals. I had to choose a happy medium in designing these specifications for both ends of the spectrum while keeping my SKUs to a minimum, and that's basically where the ZXBowl is at. If you check out my Sandcastle Vapor Wand testing the herb is extremely close to the screen, which is good for performance, but again, limits the versatility. An adjustable screen could be a solution, but I'm not in love with the screen placement of them. A lot of people wanted something very solid and secure which is why the ZXB has a rigid screen shelf just like the actual ZX heater. I'm toying around with bringing the Z-Pro concept back so perhaps that would demonstrate some other designs I've come up with.

Incoming ZXBowls have just a few tiny changes added compared to the first round of them. Just minor details.

ZXXL is coming too but I ended up delaying that one a bit as I just wanted to make sure the ZXL release went over smoothly first.

Incoming ZX/ZXL's are all going to be shipping with sapphire beads instead of ruby.
I decided to go ahead and make this switch as I just think it's better. The rubies look cooler, but I find that sapphire edges them out in regards to purity.

Well I think that's most of it for now, but feel free to holler if I can answer any questions about anything.

Thanks again for your patience, cooperation, understanding, and support! It means and helps me a ton!!


Your friendly neighborhood phase change experts

P.S. here's a few ZXL sneak peaks for my friends here, I haven't posted these anywhere yet!



Cheers all and happy vaping!!



Have you posted the cross section for the ZXL bowl. I was hoping for screen adjustability but can we get more details regarding the ZXL and ZXXL?




Have you posted the cross section for the ZXL bowl. I was hoping for screen adjustability but can we get more details regarding the ZXL and ZXXL?


I think I posted the cross-section in this thread when I launched the ZXL preorder.

The ZXL bowl basically looks like the rendering on the left, with two screen ledges.
The ZXL bowl also has two milled grooves on the exterior surface to seat the silicone handles as well.

ZXXL is positioned to use the same bowl as the ZXL.
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