The FP was made from grade 2 titanium so the bowl heats up nearly instantly. It’s a materials thing, adding or removing balls doesn’t change the fact that a metal vape is always going to be much more conductive by design, as the materials are, scientifically speaking, much more thermally conductive.
That’s why the wood bowls are popular as they are porous and insulating enough to actually decouple that conduction transfer so they effectively convert a metal vape to true convection.
I love wood as an aesthetic option, but as a bowl I find wood has too much of its own flavor/personality and is sensitive to harsh cleaning.
I don’t really talk about the science much anymore in here as I find that people don’t wanna hear it as it goes against to many myths which dominate the industry. But I did spend 6+ hours a day for almost three years reading heat transfer journals and PhD thesis papers on thermodynamics advancements.
So without addressing that device in any specific way I will say as an observer of the industry there is an overwhelming amount of people seeking to heat a vape up as high as it can possibly get without combusting, while simultaneously looking to cool the vapor down as much as possible before inhaling.
That’s called fractional distillation. It’s the opposite of a full spectrum experience.
I think it was that one dude sitting under the apple tree who said “Every action has an equal and opposite reaction”
I could talk about this for hours but I digress.
Anyways my pen shaped vape is based on stuff like this, thermodynamic optimization.