Perception of cannabis users in legal vs illegal areas

Radwin Bodnic

Well-Known Member
Accessory Maker
But it does definitely not sound like "the holy land of cannabis" to least not the same I thought before reading some of the posts here 🤔
From what I understand, legalization is taking a very commercial way in the US.

It seem very different from the tendencies we see in Europe. Think of the Cannabis Clubs in Barcelona : they are non lucrative private associations. Small groups of adults that can produce cannabis and share their production among the members, according to their personal needs.

To me it is a much more desirable way to make this flower legal.
1. It keeps shareholders out of the equation. (They never act in the interest of the consumer.)
2. It guarantees super high quality if you get a little involved on the process of growing and making concentrates. (No wonder why Holy Piatella come from one of these associations).
3. It limit the visibility of a plant that I think we all agree is a drug. I don't think normalization would do good for the plant. Alcohol, which is a fully normalized drug, is a major public health issue. Both physiologically and psychologically. I don't want cannabis to become the next public health issue. This flower deserve proper handling and use.


(zombie) Woof.
This sounds very complicated and confusing for me... I don't have a lot of insight to US laws 🤷‍♂️
But it does definitely not sound like "the holy land of cannabis" to least not the same I thought before reading some of the posts here 🤔
Yeah, it's no holy land for anything, unless of course, finding ways to separate people from their money is your thing... don't let anything or anyone fool you, it's a friggin freak show here and it gets freakier everyday.

King Khan & The Shrines - Land Of The Freak (Live on KEXP)

"the grass is always greener on the other side"
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Well-Known Member
Even in areas where cannabis is legal, there are many problems associated with use. When my son was young I had to keep my cannabis usage secret from him because I did not want to dump the responsibility of keeping this secret on him. I was basically single-parenting and my ex tried to use cannabis as a way of getting sole custody. A lot of workplaces used to test, don't know if they are still doing it but it sux. Unfortunately cannabis still has a way of isolating you and forcing you to keep secrets.


Well-Known Member
Along the lines of what Shit Snacks said: If you let friends, associates, doctors, etc. know that you use cannabis, then that can now become the reason why you don't do something, like something, or are otherwise not a "normal" person ..... by their definition of normal.
For them, it can just plain trump any other possible reason for your choices or behaviors. When I first opened up to my family doc about my use they said "Well of course it makes you feel better, but you can't just lay on the couch all day." (Aside: I've worked for years with a variety of mental health providers, have never come close to opening up to them, and cannabis is one of the best supports for my mental health) The more typical situation I've encountered is where "pothead" is casually thrown out in a conversation as the answer as to why something bad happened to someone or you shouldn't do something. As for the question first asked in the thread: I really don't think it matters, at this time, whether or not it's legal.


New Member
I live in the us in a fully recreational legal state. That’s one of the main reasons I moved here. I didn’t want to be criminalized over something like this. It’s really like no big deal. I don’t have to worry about it or be looking over my shoulder about it.


Well-Known Member
Wow! This is such a interesting read for me :o
Thanks for all the comments!
Small groups of adults that can produce cannabis and share their production among the members, according to their personal needs.
Yes! That! :tup:
I agree, this would most probably be the best way to handle the topic. I would be more than Happy to have the opportunity to be part of such a "Club".
It's just, if you're living in an illegal country, where you constantly have to deal with all those negatives from being illegal, and then watch a YouTube video of some guys showing of grow rooms, concentrates and all those other products you haven't even known they are possible... :science:
Alcohol, which is a fully normalized drug, is a major public health issue. Both physiologically and psychologically. I don't want cannabis to become the next public health issue
Fully agree! Although everyone does it (including me) , I generally don't like to compare cannabis to alcohol, but, it is a absolutely valid argument.
I would just love if it was possible, as an adult, to choose for yourself which drug you want to use for recreational purposes.
I don't need this huge industrialized and commercialized legalization... I just want to be accepted for my choices and don't have to fear punishment for it 🤷‍♂️
I mean, why can anyone have a problem with me smoking/vaping in a social setting. I don't have one with others smoking cigarettes and drinking alcohol next to me 😉
Along the lines of what Shit Snacks said: If you let friends, associates, doctors, etc. know that you use cannabis, then that can now become the reason why you don't do something, like something, or are otherwise not a "normal" person ..... by their definition of normal.
I was really hoping, this would change with legalization! I mean, even I opened up to my doctor once and he didn't even mention that it was illegal or that you are not able to accomplish anything when stoned. He talked about the positive impacts of cannabinoids and that he basically thinks it would be a good thing if more research was done in the field. But I'm pretty sure he has a way more educated view on it, than many other doctors here.
Yeah, a pothead is a pothead is a pothead 😁 we call it "Kiffer" in german and it has the exact same "negative meaning" attached to it.


Well-Known Member
Another question for the medical users in the US:
How is it handled with driving a car? Are you allowed to drive under influence? Or is this just impossible, even with a medical mj card?
Does it make a difference if you have one and get hold up by cops when driving?


Well-Known Member
Another question for the medical users in the US:
How is it handled with driving a car? Are you allowed to drive under influence? Or is this just impossible, even with a medical mj card?
Does it make a difference if you have one and get hold up by cops when driving?
No. Driving under the influence is DUI. Does not make a difference if you have a medical card or not. Same goes with other prescriptions that impair a person like percocet, vicodin, oxy, etc. if you fail a sobriety test, that is it. That being said, there is not an actual test like a breathalizer for it that i am aware of. It will show up in bloodwork, but everyone knows it stays in your blood for up to 90 days unlike alcohol or opioids (prescription or otherwise) Unless you’re baking out your car or reek of cannabis they probably wouldn’t even know (maybe they would or are trained but i am not an officer). We all know there are many ways to medicate that do not include smoking/combusting it. I would think it difficult to realize unless they could smell it or see some sort of device like a joint, stash, etc.

Now, the reality of it i have been noticing is that officers do not give a shit. I work at an inner city hospital and see and smell people driving and smoking every single day. I see officers behind cars with weed smoke billowing out if the car and they just don’t do anything about it….which is good. People walk down the street puffing and sharing a J right in front of cops and they pay no attention. I think it is more of a “if theyre not speeding or getting into accidents we wont care” type of thing.

Just my observations here in a rec legal state.
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Well-Known Member
No. Driving under the influence is DUI.
Okay... that's what I was expecting. Although, like you mentioned, you're going to test positive even if you're not actually under the influence in that moment. And for a medical user, who regularly uses, will always test positive. Would be great if there was any way to assess these situations individually, so affected medical users wouldn't have to fear for their driving licence.
I mean, I don't think it should be allowed for everyone to drive around stoned. The same as you should not drive when drunk. But, at least for alcohol, they can test your actual blood levels and if you exceed a certain limit, you're in trouble. I know, everybody has his own tolerance and, while one can drive safely while smoking, the other is too impaired to drive after a few tokes...but some kind of limit, is the only way to go, I believe. However this can be realized...

they just don’t do anything about it….which is good. People walk down the street puffing and sharing a J right in front of coos and they pay no attention.
This actually sounds like a reasonable way for cops to handle this... I mean, as long as nobody gets hurt or something, or you try to get kids to smoke with you or anything like that, they really shouldn't care IMO.

To be clear, I'm always talking about a reasonable use, where I don't put anyone in danger because I'm high. Not being stoned anytime and anywhere, or even forcing non-consumers to sit down with me and consume 😉 as already mentioned, I regard myself as a pretty normal guy who gets on with life, has a good job and family life who also happens to be a pothead :spliff:


Well-Known Member
It’s funny this topic being discussed here and i am reading all the ignorant comments on the news about maryland going legal yesterday.

Claims of schizophrenia, psychosis, and violence stemming from cannabis use….all the while these people have no clue and are just repeating the same false information they have been told over the years.

I refer to my previous statement…..i fucking hate people.


Well-Known Member
I always forget how big the US actually are...quite interesting how different things seem to be between states. The one is totally legalized and the next is repressive and mis-informed 🤷‍♂️

Claims of schizophrenia, psychosis, and violence stemming from cannabis use
I often was confronted with claims of psychosis or other psychological issues related to cannabis use...but I never ever heard of violence stemming from cannabis 🤦 that's as untrue as something can be! 🤣
Another argument used quite often is "cannabis is an entry drug to harder drugs" my experience, the only reason weed can be a possible entry drug is, the fact that in illegal areas, you possibly have to buy from people who also make business with other stuff and the "next step" isn't so far anymore. Otherwise, I don't see why somebody who consumes cannabis is more prone to use heroin (as example for a hard drug) than somebody who drinks alcohol 🤷‍♂️


Well-Known Member
I always forget how big the US actually are...quite interesting how different things seem to be between states. The one is totally legalized and the next is repressive and mis-informed 🤷‍♂️

I often was confronted with claims of psychosis or other psychological issues related to cannabis use...but I never ever heard of violence stemming from cannabis 🤦 that's as untrue as something can be! 🤣
Another argument used quite often is "cannabis is an entry drug to harder drugs" my experience, the only reason weed can be a possible entry drug is, the fact that in illegal areas, you possibly have to buy from people who also make business with other stuff and the "next step" isn't so far anymore. Otherwise, I don't see why somebody who consumes cannabis is more prone to use heroin (as example for a hard drug) than somebody who drinks alcohol 🤷‍♂️
Yep. The term “gateway drug” is being tossed around by a ton of people in that comment section, yet NONE of those people have ever trued or attempted cannabis.

The comments are all ignorant. Most people have zero clue and just regurgitate the same bullshit they hear.


Well-Known Member
I worked in defense / manufacturing & construction. Very conservative employees. Weed use was so common. Even some government inspectors were potheads. But the culture in that state was very laid back and weed friendly.

Now I live in another state which is also weed friendly, but overall less friendly and laid back. In the corporate world here it's much less accepted than the corporate world there, despite being in a much less conservative industry now.

So overall culture of a region I think has a bigger impact than the industry itself or the politics of the people.


(zombie) Woof.
So overall culture of a region I think has a bigger impact than the industry itself or the politics of the people.
They're all often entwined, too... I'm in MA, everyone thinks it's ultra-liberal here, and it is, but really only politically, socially not so much... culturally it's pretty conservative, I'd say (founded by Puritans) and the biggest industry is financial/money...? so, no surprise there either...
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Shit Snacks

Milaana. Lana. LANA. LANAAAA! (TM2/TP80/BAK/FW9)
I don't have one with others smoking cigarettes and drinking alcohol next to me

Yeah I am an advocate for live and let live, but I absolutely despise cigarettes especially if they are being smoked next to me, like I hate walking around the block because there's always people smoking scattered around, every now and then a deep breath becomes full of smoke smell and it is just so gross, I can't help but judge everyone who smokes cigarettes I think it is just so disgusting and don't understand why they like killing themselves, I mean once they're addicted sure, but then it's like you have to smoke outside and impose your bad choice on everyone else lol impossible for dual freedom in this case unfortunately? Like fucking noise pollution haha

It’s funny this topic being discussed here and i am reading all the ignorant comments on the news about maryland going legal yesterday.

Claims of schizophrenia, psychosis, and violence stemming from cannabis use….all the while these people have no clue and are just repeating the same false information they have been told over the years.

I refer to my previous statement…..i fucking hate people.
I always forget how big the US actually are...quite interesting how different things seem to be between states. The one is totally legalized and the next is repressive and mis-informed 🤷‍♂️

Yeah, and every person is different, the way their formed in the different regions, how you grow up etc. Similar the people who have disorders or propensity for disorders that then use of course further struggle with those sure it can exacerbate such issues though it is never the cause of them... Yeah people ugh look at US supreme court


Big and Bouncy
It’s funny this topic being discussed here and i am reading all the ignorant comments on the news about maryland going legal yesterday.

Claims of schizophrenia, psychosis, and violence stemming from cannabis use….all the while these people have no clue and are just repeating the same false information they have been told over the years.

I refer to my previous statement…..i fucking hate people.
The stigma around weed is strong and I think a false danger has been cultured over decades. It certainly didn't help that in the US it has been (so wrongly) listed as a Schedule 1 (lumped together with heroin, meth, LSD..) drug for ages. What burns me is when ignorant people pass judgement on me for vaping weed but condone a terrible legalized substance.

The double standard with alcohol is particularly strong. It's well documented that alcohol does nothing but physical harm to our bodies, and that's aside from all the societal problems it causes. Alcohol at sporting events is legal. We've seen the results. I can legally walk to a liquor store and purchase enough alcohol to kill myself several times over.

In my opinion, weed is so much tamer and it's not even close. It has documented medicinal benefits. It's extremely difficult to overdose from it or have it cause lasting harm. It has never incited violence in anyone I've met. I know I'd rather be in a stadium of stoned people than drunk people where safety is concerned.

Slowly the barriers are coming down in some parts of the world. I'm so lucky to be in Canada where it's been legal for a few years now.


Well-Known Member
I am a home grower and daily consumer of cannabis, I also work full-time in a pretty demanding and stressful job. My weed consumption is strictly at home after work and dinner, I rarely have my first bowl before 8PM. The owners I work for all know about this and some regularly sample my weed, so there is no issue there. However, we have had to fire 2 recent hires, both male high school graduates, who were basically high all day on edibles and vape pens, would do as little work as possible, stay out of sight, not engage with the rest of the team, make bad mistakes and be unproductive with zero ambition. They basically acted like zombies in a daze and were let go after a few months. I know there are many people posting here who have regular jobs and are able to do them under the influence, but there are many others who can't. I see them mostly in boring service and sales jobs, it's that dazed look in their eyes. For me, weed and work don't match, it doesn't make you work any better, why not save the high for after work?


Well-Known Member
I am a home grower and daily consumer of cannabis, I also work full-time in a pretty demanding and stressful job. My weed consumption is strictly at home after work and dinner, I rarely have my first bowl before 8PM. The owners I work for all know about this and some regularly sample my weed, so there is no issue there. However, we have had to fire 2 recent hires, both male high school graduates, who were basically high all day on edibles and vape pens, would do as little work as possible, stay out of sight, not engage with the rest of the team, make bad mistakes and be unproductive with zero ambition. They basically acted like zombies in a daze and were let go after a few months. I know there are many people posting here who have regular jobs and are able to do them under the influence, but there are many others who can't. I see them mostly in boring service and sales jobs, it's that dazed look in their eyes. For me, weed and work don't match, it doesn't make you work any better, why not save the high for after work?
Weed during work time is not for everybody but for me it worked very well. I did a lot of my best work as a software engineer under the influence. I often came up with superb ideas while stoned. For some reason it has a way of helping me stick with a task and also step back from it in order to think up new approaches. Obviously from your example this doesn't work for everyone but it does for me. I seem to remember reading that Carl Sagan said something similar about weed and work.


Well-Known Member
However, we have had to fire 2 recent hires, both male high school graduates, who were basically high all day on edibles and vape pens, would do as little work as possible, stay out of sight, not engage with the rest of the team, make bad mistakes and be unproductive with zero ambition. They basically acted like zombies in a daze and were let go after a few months.
... I totally get that! I have experienced very similar cases and I can understand your point. Some people really shouldn't use cannabis, or at least not regularly. They somehow fulfill the stereotype of the unmotivated and dumb stoner. And I think these people should seriously rethink their consumption.
That's why, I think only adults should use. IMO, these cases happen since these kids are impacted in their development by cannabis use, start using in a phase of life where personal development is difficult even without using.
I too remember people of whom I thought it would be good for them to put the bong aside for a while. Every drug one uses during these phases of development can impact physiological and psychological growth.

Edit: of course, the Environment of these kids has a big Impact too! Like, if there would have been some education about it, they may never would drift away like that.
Somehow a stupid example, but when I was young and went partying on a weekday, knowing I had to work the next day, I would pace myself a bit. Neither my parents supported that nor my boss. There was this saying, I would hear anytime then: "wer saufen kann, kann auch arbeiten gehen". This basically means, "if you're stupid enough to get wasted during the week, you have to suffer the consequences at work the following day".
I dunno, for me, it never was an option to not bring my performance due to feeling sick after drinking. Of course, when I only smoked weed, I had no consequences to suffer from 😉

I agree with you, that not everybody is capable to get things done when stoned all the time. Also, it makes a big difference what kind of job that is.
way of helping me stick with a task and also step back from it in order to think up new approaches
... it's like this for me 👍

From my personal experience (I started very young) it would be best if you don't start using before 18 to 20 years of age.
The best thing we, as scociety, can do is to properly educate kids about all kind of drugs
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Well-Known Member
As a retired mid school teacher and still active track coach, I am forced to live in different
worlds all the time.
Some of my teaching friends were pot heads , but we were never high at school or any school events.
All of my coaching friends are healthy asses; some drink, nobody mentions weed maybe CBD.
I never taught a class" UDI" as my ghetto ass students would have busted me immediately eventhough
they probably would have laughed it off, and not told anyone.
All of my sub bantam 8 yr old runners who are now in their 30's and 40's, never knew I was a pothead
until their college years!
Some come over and vape with me to hide it from their kids!
I'm still coaching HS girls who will never know that I get high until they get older... hopefully.
The head coach who is a great guy used to always say what type of alcohol he was drinking
when he got home. I told him that he was making alcohol seem acceptable.
He agreed and stopped.
Weed can be many things to many people; to each their own!
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