Diggy Smalls
When was a kid I would only way hot dogs that were split in half and fried in a pan. To this day I have boiled dogs yuck!
As I watched the Red Dwarf sketch (thanks) I thought that every one of those permutations of "toast" sounded better than the white bread cold bun proffered by OP. {Ketchup? Heresy I say!}![]()
Plain yellow mustard, sweet relish and onions are the best toppings if I'm making one. If I buy, my favorite is the Chicago dog.
Now that we've settled the important issue of toppings, how about the REAL issue.
Is a hot dog a sandwich?
(For those who need to know some background on the debate, see the chart at https://pbs.twimg.com/media/C-wyhyfXYAALcbz.jpg .)
...I also put honey mustard...country mustard and various other spicey mustards I have around at the time...I love discovering new mustards...
"Grilled cheese and onion sandwich"?My current favorite. It's great on dogs and wonderful with a grilled cheese and onion sandwich. It will bring you to your knees. Heaven...
"Grilled cheese and onion sandwich"?
Does such a thing even exist?
Depending on the bread, I suspect even a traditionalist such as /u/GreenHopper will find it in the "sandwich" category. But, claiming it is a "grilled cheese" in some way is fighting words to some. They would call it a "melt".
gotta steam the bun. that makes the dog!
When was a kid I would only way hot dogs that were split in half and fried in a pan. To this day I have boiled dogs yuck!
It's a bun. If it's white bread, it doesn't have much flavor anyway.
oh my god!!i need that in my life!!Rule #1 to any truly GREAT sandwich/burger/dog is freshly made bread. Bread being a product of fermentation, the key to great flavor in yeast bread is to let the dough ferment as long as possible. Most would be disappointed if they drank a beer which fermented for only 2 hours. The same is true with bread.
Edit: Not dog buns, but here's some of my sandwich rolls for proof
@TeeJay1952 you lucky dog. I have always enjoyed a "fresh roll".Wife made bread dough in machine and made "rolls" out of sourdough. A fresh roll. natural casing , charbroiled Sausage and it was love all around!