People vs. OJ


You Must Unlearn, What You Have Learned...
I must admit I'm hooked! An all star cast for any company let alone an FX series. Travolta makes me laugh every time I see him imitate Shapiro! The DA is dead on, so is Cochran even Cuba does a good job of imitating oj's mannerisms. So what did you guys think?




Well-Known Member
i am loving this series . even tho i know how its going to end , i'm still really getting involved -the show is VERY well done . i was alive and paying attention during the trial , but i think the sheer volume of coverage , at the time , prevented me from absorbing a lot of what was actually happening . just dloaded the book its based on ($12. ! shoulda gone used book store ...) gonna read it this weekend . def worth watching imho .


Singer of songs and a vapor connoisseur
OJ can't be tried again for the same crime - that would be double jeopardy. He's up for parole next year. They could deny him parole. He's in bad shape if you've seen recent pictures of him.

I'm starting the series.
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