I found this post and as recommended i ordered PBW from ebay, although it was super expensive, bout 20 USD for a small bag, I used it the first time, as recommended per most instructions i read here: first clean the glass with hot water (shower-hot), then on a separate jar put 1 tbs of PBW and mix it with hot water, then I put my glass into ziggybag, and pour the PBW mixture into it, and make sure there ain't no bubble in the glass. I soak it bout 15-20 minutes, I tried it twice no luck, then on the third try, as I was washing the PBW away, I shake it vigorously, and the stain starts to come off! Was so happy, and now I'm waiting for the 4th soak.
My question is; what do I do next after this, should I soak it in vinegar so I won't get the white film? Vinegar and baking soda? Or just vinegar?