(Prefix: I'm sorry man, I hope people here aren't offended by my long posts. I've got 450+ pages to catch up on replying to, etc, so they'll get smaller and shorter, but again, my apologies up front to anyone who dreads long posts. Hopefully they're entertaining/informative/provocative enough to offset the War and Peace like quality of these initial posts.
There has been a lot of info and discussion about the screens. A LOT of talk about screens...screens, "notches", using 2 screens, using brass screens, using volcano pads, and any/all combination of the above.
I've been using the Pax now for about 3 months with incredible success and (knock on wood), zero problems. No screens falling out, neither of my Pax's has "notches". Both my units were purchased directly from Ploom.
My suspicion is that, like all things of this nature, the Pax was designed to be used in a particular way, and that any other uses which work are a "bonus". What I mean to say is that, with the Pax, I suspect this device is designed and tested to be used with a full load, moderately packed. It's not designed with those users in mind who are looking to "conserve" their stash. Not that the Pax unduly burns through stash, because I would disagree with that notion entirely, and feel comparatively it's pretty conservative on the stash, but not designed to effectively vape a pinch hitter's worth of product.
I've seen many here who are looking to only add a dash of herb, fill the space with something heat conductive, and get amazing results. You may be able to do that, but I don't think the Pax is designed to work like that...my observation is that many of these folks are the same folks who say the screens fall out, or you need 2 screens, or no screens, or the draw is too hard, etc. I applaud all those who look to push the limits of these devices and experiment with load sizes, taking the non-conventional road. It helps us all to learn and grow, and by no means is anything I'm saying meant to belittle or judge...I'm not that kinda guy, just observing.
Also, I think most here would agree that there are MANY factors (not including the device itself) that affect whether or not one gets a "good cloud" and "good taste" from their vape session regardless of the device. Most importantly are, in this order (IMHO):
1. Quality - if your stash is brown, flush it down.

LOL! Seriously though, if you're throwing some pressed mid-grade bud from some random Mexican field bale in your vape and expecting it to produce clouds of tasty vape, you're likely going to be at least mildly disappointed. I know that's all that's available to some, or that some may even prefer it due to economic reasons, etc, so this is only about what expectations should be, and again, no judgment on my bretheren for their choice (or not) or availability of herbs. Whatever works for you. I will say that I am blessed enough to not have to deal with that issue.
2. Moisture content - I don't measure mine per se, but like most experienced vapeheads, I ensure my product is nearly void of moisture. Generally, dryer = better (again, IHMO).
3. Grind - Sometimes too fine is bad (hard draw, especially when those trichs start melting), sometimes the grind is too coarse, and doesn't provide a satisfying cloud.
My advice here is to spend some time and try to adjust for those factors before anything else to get yourself close...probably good advice for any vaporizer, not just the Pax. Any one of these 3 items can greatly
These are just my observations from 400+ pages of this thread, and I pass judgment upon not one of my brothers and sisters here. In fact, I love the innovation and the trial-and-error spirit.
In that spirit, since I seem to be having none of the issues that many are having with screens, consistency, clouds, etc, I wanted to share what I do with my Pax...how much I use, how tightly I pack that in, how the grind looks, etc. On with the pictorial:
- Here's a picture of the grind size I prefer in all my vapes. The image shows it still in the grinder, and I put a US Nickle up to show scale. For those interested, the product here is "S.A.G.E. and Sour" (S.A.G.E. crossed with Sour Diesel by THSeeds):
- Next up, an image of how much I put in a chamber. I didn't weigh it, because I felt a "pile" next to a fixed item would show better and be a better gauge of amount and not weight:
- In this 3rd image, I've taken the same above little pile and set it all in the oven area:
- In the final image, I take that material and using my index finger, push it gently into place into the actual oven chamber. It results in what I would say is a firm, but not overwhelming pack. Moderately packed in, but not "jammed" in:
Clean up the edges, blow out any scraps around the edge. Place the oven lid in place, and it fits nicely, no pushing it on to compress the contents, etc.
Using this method, I am rewarded with amazing flavor, extremely large clouds of tasty, clean vape.
- The first 5-6 hits are amazing and taste like you would expect them to...fresh and tasty.
- After that, the next 5-6 hits have a more "toasted" flavor to them, but still produce large clouds and they still do massive "damage" on their own.
- After that, the remaining hits are lessened in quality and flavor. They are a bit too toasted for my taste, and at this point the "pack" is becoming a darker brown near the screen, and a deep yellow toasted color near the oven lid.
I'd indicated earlier that I am blessed, so at this point I expel the product as a little loaf and don't bother stirring it to "get the rest out of the oven load", but I can see how many would want to as there is clearly something left there to get out of it. Personally, I'll just pack another fresh one.
To expel the contents, I remove the lid, hold it over an ashtray, etc, and with my index finger I tap the side of the Pax 2-8 times, and 9 out of 10 times, the loaf expels as a loaf, and occasionally it "spills" out loosely (if I've vaped it into oblivion). Never requires tapping the unit on anything, nor putting anything in the oven to coax the loaf out. It just falls out with the tapping. The screen has NEVER fallen out, and I've expelled 100's of ovens full at this point, all of them packed in the above fashion. I will take a toothpick and just knock the few small pieces of ABV that stick to it, along with the oven lid.
When i put the screen in, I do it as some have previously mentioned: the point furthest from the hole in the oven, lay the screen into the bottom corner, then let it fall over the hole, and I use a toothpick to gently push down on the screen at the edge over the hole, just a bit, to "lock" it into place, leaving a gap under the screen where the hole is, but the other end of the screen is laying flat against the bottom.
So, I believe that using a moderately packed oven will all but eliminate the "loose screen" issue for many, and in fact the Pax was likely designed to be used in this fashion; full moderate pack on the oven, holds in the screen, even when expelling the ABV.
For reference, I clean my Pax when I feel "viscosity" on my mouthpiece...a little resistance. As soon there is that "greasy" feeling when I click the mouthpiece, I know it cleaning time. This actually feels "smoother" than a freshly cleaned Pax, but it's indicating that there's resin collecting and that's what causing the "greasy" feeling when I actuate the mouthpiece.
My next post will be about my cleaning routine, which for the most part is pieces and parts of what many here use and have recommended. I do use the PG, which I purchased a pint of "kosher" stuff on Amazon and some dropper bottles. I also use #00 steel wool with a little iso to clean the screen and any brown that's accumulated in the oven. But, more on that next time.