New Member
hahahaha, I am gonna get my GF to do that with me....
... baha, that is.....IF I ever order a friggin vape!!! Today's the day, I can feeeeeeeeeeel it

Wait a minute... surely you would have to "cook" the thc into the fats of the peanut butter? otherwise it wouldnt be extracted? Im a bit lost..
Be careful, I was uncomfortably high and wasnt expecting it, but I am no rookie, I imagine if I was a girl and my boyfriend got me that high I might consider finding a new boy friendhahahaha, I am gonna get my GF to do that with me....... baha, that is.....IF I ever order a friggin vape!!! Today's the day, I can feeeeeeeeeeel it
Nope. The process of vaping the herbs decarbs it, so the abv is good to go.
Be careful, I was uncomfortably high and wasnt expecting it, but I am no rookie, I imagine if I was a girl and my boyfriend got me that high I might consider finding a new boy friend![]()
Take it from an ABV eating monster....
it will work if you pop that loaf right outta the Pax oven and down your pie hole~
THC is absorbed by fat.... it is a method of removing the THC from the plant matter for preparation without the "ruffage".
As for metabolization... THC is metabolized in your body in your bodies fat cells, is a possible reason that you put these facts together.
Also, fat is more easily absorbed by fatty tissue.
Take it from an ABV eating monster....
it will work if you pop that loaf right outta the Pax oven and down your pie hole~
If you buy it you won't regret it, it's fantastic quality! Pax through water is just a whole 'nother world...
Yeah sorry I never got back to you! I've been using cheap home depot vinyl tubing but sillicone would be better.I really like Joe's setup and will start looking up how to convert that bad boy
I just tried the Pinnacle and I found a great use for the tube:
Bahahahahait will work if you pop that loaf right outta the Pax oven and down your pie hole~
Barbeque that loaf!Hmm...I wonder if it would work just as well jamming it up your blow hole. Not that I want to do that. Just saying.
Yep, pretty basic! Made a dent in the middle where I focused the abv but other than that nothing to it. Put about a gram and a half in each one, the peanut butter helps with the crud sprinkling all over the place, glues it in place sort of speak. It was nice being able to bring little cracker sandwiches and not a expensive pax to the show, and the high was way more suited for the show too, ate a bunch prior and I didnt think about pot the entire night. I cant remember the last time I went to a concert and didnt smoke, and thats because its probably never happened.Care to share the recipe? My friend just shared successful results making an abv tincture. I would love to hear how you made the crackers. Do share!
Just saw your last you're saying you just sprinkled the abv onto the PB on a cracker? Is that correct?
Nope. The process of vaping the herbs decarbs it, so the abv is good to go.
You bet yer bippy. Careful with that axe, eugene.Wait, so if the avb is already decarbed, u could just eat it to get even more stoned?
One gel cap full works wonders (if it's not too coffee brown).Yeah not sure why they say that, I read that thread a while ago too. It works as is, no need to heat it. Give it a shot if you dont believe me.![]()
Sooo would the Pax be a good first vape to purchase to use with an attachment and hydrotube while I wait on either a cano purchase or the next best home unit to it....?
The inhalater... and now i just got led to the vapor blunt 2.0 by someone in another thread, and the solo is very tempting too although i haven't researched it that much.. and i don't think i could take the solo to the golf course........ but all thought are muchos appreciated!!