Discontinued Pax Vaporizer by Ploom

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New Member
So, alas, my unit is toast. But thank god they're nice and are sending me a brand new one, along with paying for my shipping to ship my old unit back to them. Hopefully this one actually works....


Active Member
I've been following this forum since i received my pax back in February and just wanted to share one observation that may help others reduce cleaning frequency and mouthpiece sticking.

I notice that if i put my pax to charge right after using it the mouthpiece would get gummed up very quickly, usually requiring a cleaning within a week, sometimes less. If i let it cool right side up before putting it in the charger i can go about 2 weeks between cleanings with daily use.

I suspect that when upside-down some of the resin(if that's the proper term) may trickle down the tube and settle close to the mouthpiece when its hot. If it's right side up that resin will settle closer to the oven where it wont cause mechanical issues. I do notice that around the hole in the oven i see a buildup of resin when i do this but that's way easier to clean and does not affect the mechanics of the mouthpiece.
You can also charge it "upside down", with the charger up in the air.


Well-Known Member
Two quick questions:

What's a good case to carry the Pax?
What's the best tool you've found to pack the oven?


Well-Known Member
Two quick questions:

What's a good case to carry the Pax?
What's the best tool you've found to pack the oven?

Both questions that have been asked/answered repeatedly in this thread. Search is your friend.


Well-Known Member


Well-Known Member
I notice that if i put my pax to charge right after using it the mouthpiece would get gummed up very quickly, usually requiring a cleaning within a week, sometimes less. If i let it cool right side up before putting it in the charger i can go about 2 weeks between cleanings with daily use.

This might be good advice for more than just keeping the Pax mouthpiece clean. You should let your unit cool before charging because charging a hot battery can reduce its lifespan.


Well-Known Member
I use a glasses case when traveling but while just walking around, I just use my pocket.

I found the perfect thing to use is one of those paper clip thingys like this...


I think that what ever the standard "small" size it what I have and like I said, it's pretty perfect.

Hey HSIHP, I noticed in your signature that you have an Arizer Solo in addition to your PAX.
How is the draw resistance compared to the PAX?
Is there a more restrictive draw with the PAX or the Solo?
I have been thinking about getting a Solo but I do not really like a restricted draw.
I may wait for the Divinci Ascent as well, just for comparison sake.


Well-Known Member
Hey HSIHP, I noticed in your signature that you have an Arizer Solo in addition to your PAX.
How is the draw resistance compared to the PAX?
Is there a more restrictive draw with the PAX or the Solo?
I have been thinking about getting a Solo but I do not really like a restricted draw.
I may wait for the Divinci Ascent as well, just for comparison sake.

Hands down the solo has a less restricted draw and I think that most people would agree. Especially with the choices of a turbo PVHES and one of ed's stems, it's possible to have wide open air flow with the solo. For me the Solo was the best choice. I bought the Pax pretty much in all the hype of the release and while it has filled a perfect niche for me (concerts, nights on the town, weekend music festivals) I feel like I could totally go without it.

Now the Solo on the other hand, well, we can leave that to the Solo thread :tup:


vapor nerd
Hands down the solo has less resistance and I think that most people would agree. Especially with the choices of a turbo PVHES and one of ed's stems, it's possible to have wide open air flow with the solo. For me the Solo was the best choice. I bought the Pax pretty much in all the hype of the release and while it has filled a perfect niche for me (concerts, nights on the town, weekend music festivals) I feel like I could totally go without it.
Now the Solo on the other hand, well, we can leave that to the Solo thread :tup:

How is the draw resistance compared to the PAX?
Is there a more restrictive draw with the PAX or the Solo?
I have been thinking about getting a Solo but I do not really like a restricted draw.

We are on the same vapes :) When I want to really sit down and enjoy some botanicals, I will use the solo. And the draw with a PVHES is great airflow to vapor ratio. On the other hand I feel back in love with my pax recently, it's just always there for me bedside table, pocket, car cubby hole. Getting me where I need to be fast, and without having to worry about breaking glass or burning myself on eds stem. (love the stem for walking around the house or at the desk!) The draw on the pax is like a cigar or joint, because a tight pack works best and has to conduct a dense biomass=much vapour! Either way, any type of draw a sip or fast or deep slow breath will produce vapour.


in flavor country
I've been occationally running the pax on high w/a water piece because it's quick to heat up and gets me extremely medicated in just a few hits. That high temp really effects me, but I like using it when I am in extra pain, or need a little help getting sleepy. I have not been going out much lately so the pax does spend a lot of time sitting. Its good to visit once in a while in the rotation.


Active Member
Hands down the solo has a less restricted draw and I think that most people would agree. Especially with the choices of a turbo PVHES and one of ed's stems, it's possible to have wide open air flow with the solo. For me the Solo was the best choice. I bought the Pax pretty much in all the hype of the release and while it has filled a perfect niche for me (concerts, nights on the town, weekend music festivals) I feel like I could totally go without it.

Now the Solo on the other hand, well, we can leave that to the Solo thread :tup:

I think the thing I like about the pax the most over the solo IS the restricted air flow. It makes me go so slow, maybe 20 seconds on a draw. On the solo, I seem to draw way too hard and lose some of it.

I am sure it's only a matter of time before I find the perfect balance. I find that bubble on the 410 setting works great with a screen. Now if the turbo tubes would ever be in stock.

Are there any portables out there with adjustable temperatures lower than the 365?

Anders Nelson

New Member
I use a Steel wool/Q-Tip... with 0000 Steel wool.
(1% Iso shines everything better than new!
The music will be along on the vid in minutes!
woah thats clever as hell.. and is someone smoking in the backround or do they just have a cold
Anders Nelson,


Well-Known Member
Hands down the solo has a less restricted draw and I think that most people would agree. Especially with the choices of a turbo PVHES and one of ed's stems, it's possible to have wide open air flow with the solo. For me the Solo was the best choice. I bought the Pax pretty much in all the hype of the release and while it has filled a perfect niche for me (concerts, nights on the town, weekend music festivals) I feel like I could totally go without it.

Now the Solo on the other hand, well, we can leave that to the Solo thread :tup:

We are on the same vapes :) When I want to really sit down and enjoy some botanicals, I will use the solo. And the draw with a PVHES is great airflow to vapor ratio. On the other hand I feel back in love with my pax recently, it's just always there for me bedside table, pocket, car cubby hole. Getting me where I need to be fast, and without having to worry about breaking glass or burning myself on eds stem. (love the stem for walking around the house or at the desk!) The draw on the pax is like a cigar or joint, because a tight pack works best and has to conduct a dense biomass=much vapour! Either way, any type of draw a sip or fast or deep slow breath will produce vapour.

Thanks for the replies. These are interesting perspectives. I really don't have a frequent need to take a
vape out and about, I vape mostly at home.
My LHS has a Solo in stock and on sale, so I may just give it a go.
My viVape2 is my daily driver right now, but I do enjoy variety.
I use my PAX for a nightcap after the viVape2 sessions.
I had left the PAX in a drawer for months, but pulled it out recently after getting a GonG adapter
and a new ZOB bubbler.
Time to jump over to the Solo thread now!


Been here since 2009
I still use the PAX for portability. The MFLB has lost its balls, even with the aftermarket batteries, even with the AC adapter. So it's on the shelf for good, methinks.


Well-Known Member
I just did a test, I used to think the FV was more efficient then the Pax, but I vaped a bowl in the FV as far as I would go normally to avoid combustion, then I did a similar bowl in the Pax on yellow and medium. Although the FlashVape milked the Pinnacle tube surprisingly well, the Pax was incredible and looks to have extracted more too (Pax on left):


I bet I could even vape the FV abv in the Pax! (But I won't lol)


Well-Known Member
Hey Joe, what exactly are you using to connect the Pax to the water tube there?
You can see in this pic, it's just the same size tubing that fits the Pax MP for regular bong use with a slightly smaller bit of tubing inside to fit the Pinnacle's smaller joint:
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