Higher, Higher, Baby...
I noticed this at first too, I leave it for about 5 minutes partymode high after I clean it to help rid excess, I think its part what Pakalolo said, and just moisture from maybe alcohol/resin that worked its way into that tiny seam at the top of the oven where it meats the black plastic top. Its hard to clean in that tiny seam its damn near impossible.
I'd say its definitely residual moisture from the iso that worked its way into that crease. 5-10 minutes on party mode after cleaning should fix this
second edit
Thats your pax telling you to clean ithaha- your officially a proud pax owner. Thats the temp setting issue. You can fix that by inserting a pipe cleaner around the outside of the airpath and clean that locking mechanism/latch and ring that you can see if you look down it with a flashlight.
WTF thats creepy, did you add the music? lol
My Pax sometimes leaks when Im using it if i tilt the oven lid. Also after I finish a load and dont clear it, when I go to dump out the abv I get flashes of vapor like that as well for a while.