Well-Known Member
My purple Pax arrived last week, and is my very first vaporizer. I love the color and the fun of the alliterative moniker 'purple Pax' but I just don't like it otherwise. Maybe that is because I am only smoking tobacco and legal herbs. Trying to quit smoking cigs and really like ecigs, but the Pax is so much must pack it frequently and it doesn't give that satisfying plume of vapor that an ecig or epipe does. So I politely let the folks at Pax know, since they market the thing primarily to tobacco users. They politely told me there were no refunds, even if it is not working. Replacements, yes, but no refunds. This is not stated on the pax web site. This is just FYI for those who may need to know...I know I would have liked to find a post like this somewhere before I bought mine. $250 is a mighty big wad to blow for something just to try it out. No offense to those who love it, I can see it's potential for a relatively discreet buzz...though anyone who says it doesn't smell has something wrong with their nose! Blessings to all and happy vaping!