We're here to fuck shit up.
Just got through an awesome session on Pirates of the Caribbean! Got the back row and bumped it up to medium for some healthy clouds.
I agree with this, and also, you can put steel wool in there, and that acts as a buffer.. Making it seem like you have a full over. I haven't tried this, but I read about it on here.
Also, as pointed out on here.. If we drop 250$ on a vaporizer, the I don't really think our biggest worry is medicine. Sure it goes through a bit more, but lets be honest. for the work it does and the quality.. Look at super cars.. Sure they suck at gas mileage.. but you don't buy a Ferrari or a Lamborghini or a Bugatti just to get good gas mileage.. you get it to enjoy it.
Enjoy life, no one makes it out alive anyway.
It's a world of laughter,Magic Kingdom!
Can you word this question differently? I'm not really understanding what you're asking. I vape until I feel the effects. Different amounts depending on many diffident factors.
My wife says it was hilarious when I screamed like a little girl on Tower of Terror. I'm trying to keep it low key, but I have stumbled up a few times. I was toasty at one point and wished someone a merry Christmas instead of saying thank you. I got a quixotic look and a nod. If you get caught blazing in any of the parks you get banned for life, so I gotta keep it low key.
To simplify (since I even noticed I worded it a little silly) I was pretty much asking how much do you guys vaporize in one day using the Pax and additionally how high is your tolerance? For example, if your tolerance is high, would you say you use a gram or more?
Only reason I ask is because I am new to vaping. I have used Da Buddha once and a Thermovape but I have always combusted all of my flower. Some days I would use up to three to four grams of flower (when my tolerance was extremely high) and go through an ounce in less than 2 weeks which I definitely cannot afford to do any longer. I was just looking for a general comparison.
That sounds like a cry for help.My wife says it was hilarious when I screamed like a little girl on Tower of Terror. I'm trying to keep it low key, but I have stumbled up a few times. I was toasty at one point and wished someone a merry Christmas instead of saying thank you. I got a quixotic look and a nod. If you get caught blazing in any of the parks you get banned for life, so I gotta keep it low key.
Been a long-time lurker on this thread. Have had a Pax since the beginning. I enjoy this thread for finding tips/advice and other ideas. It's just that this 200+ page thread can be a bit unruly when you're trying to find info. Can some Moderator with Admin-rights please set-up a Pax section with multiple threads. Maybe one for tech issues. One for ideas. Another for (I don't know) whatever. Then going forward, Users can post in the appropriate thread. Thanks in advance.
I was wondering the same thing then. I think with all the vapes if the mods had the possibility to shove all the important things into one post and make it the first post in the thread that would be great.
I do think that they do try to put it all on vapopedia. I suppose that is up to us to help with that and add all the spring pics and whatever from all the vapes. As I see it vapopedia, which I think I spelled wrong, can be the best resource if we fully update all the vapes with pics and stuff. I don't even now if that can happen. It only has the general stuff. Mods can all of the good stuff from all the vapes be put on that site? Cleaning pics, videos, how to use effectively ect?
I would but I don't write well so it really isn't something I can tackle. I can copy and past and merge posts though but would have to do it from a start of a thread or it would frustrate me. So I would have to follow the thread like I did this one from the beginning and compile in a doc as we went along and then edit. I will think about it.that
I don't see all the pics from the screen cleaning and other great stuff that was posted here so I think it is lacking big time. I don't even have a pax cause it is right for me but do know how to clean it and stuff from the reading. I still say it is the prettiest vape.
So I sat down for my daily wake up session, but instead of the T1, I thought I would try the Pax with a small load, the same size load that I would use in my T1. I was quite shocked at how well it worked with small quantities. I got 4 nice, cloudy rips and a nice wake up buzz.
I just put a very small amount in the oven and packed it down... small amounts work great, if you use a little willpower and don't load the oven full, I think it is as efficient as just about any other portable vape.