in flavor country
I got to use my Cobra car plug over the camping weekend I just did, and it worked great. Glad to help out. 

hey man, i've had my pax for about 3 weeks and i haven't had any problems with it, oddly enough unlike a lot of other people.
but my mouthpiece was the exact same way as yours out of the box, it would pop up and down just fine but it was impossible to actually pull all the way out to change the temp. my mom always keeps a rubber tourniquet, the things they tie your arm off with before a shot at the DR's, in the junk drawer to open really hard to open jars and such. i cut off a piece about 3 inches long, and just wrap it around the mouthpiece to get a REAL grip on it and it just pulls right out. so try finding some thin rubber or something grippy, and wrap it around the mouthpiece and pull. viola. should work!
In the longer term, I'm going back to using the SSV for primary at home. Aside from maintenance, it's just much, much more efficient than having to toast a whole Pax oven-full at once. Having greater ability to stir, plus convection vs. conduction just seems to be a win in the larger vapes.
Even counting the longer time I get out of the Pax load, I'd say it's roughly double the consumption from the SSV. But as a portable on light duty for movies, concerts, camping, etc, I suspect I'll be just fine with it.
Yea, so I love Pax, but sometimes it drives me nuts. I really hope they come up with a mouthpiece that works like it's supposed to. The new one they sent me sticks all the time, and the original has the temp light issues. I clean it every day, but I still have to click it dozens of times to get the purple light and not the red. I keep thinking I might get rid of it, but it hits SOO great when it actually works!
I also want it to be my skiing vape, but I don't know how reliable it will be at 12,000 feet in the freezing cold. I picture myself with my gloves off and parked on the side of a run clicking away and hoping it catches correctly...
You might find the vivape to your liking. Everyone loves the cloud of course. Both are great but both a little pricey.
I've always had a lot of success using a guitar pickWhat do you guys use to scrape kief out of your grinder and into the pax? I used to use a school paint brush (the ones that come in the sets) but i dont have one anymore.