Slightly Medicated: Thanks for all the first hand info, about the things that matter to us, from someone that uses it as we will. And for all the great video!
At home, I mostly use a Volcano, but I use a portable when I'm out, which is way more than when I'm home. I have a retired iolite and launchbox, and I'm currently a huge fan of the TV stuff, getting good use and much pleasure out of both my T1 and Evo. And like Magic Flight, Thermovape can't be beat for customer support, and interacting with us here.
really getting fed up with having to carry a bag of batteries around with me all the time. So even though I'm more of a convection guy than a conduction guy, I'm pretty excited about what you've been saying (and showing).
Request: Can you take a (still) picture, well lit, of the inside looking up from the bottom, with the screen and oven cover removed? I'd love to see more of the "insides".
Question: Can you elaborate on the smell factor? (I'm not talking about the smell when you use it, just the smell of the Pax itself, before and after you use it).
I'm concerned because of the vents around the lip of the oven cover (the air intake point, if I remember correctly from one of your earlier messages), and also because it seems the mouthpiece takes a direct path to the top (?) of the oven. My experience with other conduction portable vapes is not good with regard to their smell factor. Your comment in one of your videos mentioning that you could "smell the flowers" as the Pax was warming up is what has me wondering. (Though a 30 second warmup time is short enough that I can go outside before I turn the Pax on, unlike the iolite which required minutes to warm up).
Is there much smell when the oven is freshly loaded, but you haven't turned it on yet? (Like if I load it up and stick it in my pocket for later use). If I've just finished off a half dozen hits, let it cool off, and then put it in my pocket, is the odor obvious? If I've cleaned the oven and screen and vapor path with iso, will it still smell the next day?
One of the things that could be a real plus for me is the ability to bring it with me when I fly. Since I can put tobacco in the Pax oven while I travel, it's an easily explained e-cig; I can't really get away with this with my T1 or Evo. But that would also mean that for my flight home, I'd have to be able to completely clean it with iso and a pipe cleaner and some Q-Tips, etc. It would have to have no odor of herb. I'm particularly interested in hearing your thoughts in this regard. The screens themselves are cheap enough (three for $10 as I recall), that I can treat them as "disposables" without getting cranky about it, and just put in a fresh screen whenever I have to go through the airport. But getting rid of the odor from my stinky herb, and from the ABV smell, is a must.
I'm also interested to hear more about the battery life, particularly once you get over the new/review part, and settle in to just using it. I don't care much about how many "hours" of battery life you get, more in how many bowlfuls you get. The T1 bowl holds about half of what the Pax does, and I get about one bowlful for every pair of batteries. Your video's show at least twice as many hits from a load than the T1 delivers; maybe three times as many. If you can get four or five bowlfuls (ovenfuls?) out of one charge on the Pax battery, it would make me a much happier Haywood.

Things I'm not encouraged about: I really don't like the idea of not being able to replace the battery without sending it back to the factory! I don't think I'm crazy about the mouthpiece, and I don't think it will be easy to change. I can see why they didn't make it longer, as it would stick out of the top when the Pax was turned off. And that wouldn't be as pretty.