I'm back
I will try to list everything that I know and want to know about the clone
ok the differences are not small
but I knew
I have not had great expectations with the clone
but have been surprised
many vaporizer come from china
for example the puffit
the manual says "do not use empty"
but I have seen it too late and have used it empty
and it was pure plastic taste
otherwise the pax clon
health is paramount
the nose is a good indicator for some obvious hazard materials
view from this the first time puffit made me more worry (but after the first time everything was heavenly)
I do not like
not only the idea was gestohlen.the whole design was stolen.
that's unfair
the differences:
1) $ -150
2) other light colors
3) battery status only without mouthpiece (according to the manufacturer should be different in the new version)
4) apparently there are only 2 status colors: green and red.yellow I have not seen until now
5) charging indicator only without mouthpiece.
but can also be loaded with (according to the manufacturer should be different in the new version)
6) other battery (we must still check disclosures)
7) other charger (5V instead of 9V output)
8) another screen
9), the metal seems to be brushed and anodized or so
in the original works, the surface appears painted (as the photos seem to me)
10) other temperatures. I can not verify whether the disclosures are correct.
felt it could get there but
11) different logo or no logo & other screw
12) some marks of production are significantly different (at the plastic for example)
13) serial number STICKER which relates to the warranty in china (support is ok - had a bit correspondence)
I know that until now
I still want to know the weight of an original pax
the term I would estimate at 1 hour +
the temperature of the copy behaves like the descriptions of other user of the original.
the lower part is warm but not hot
are your magnets stuck?
I have lost 1. the first time I've opened it
but a great German company has me really given 20 pcs. 3x1mm neodym as a pattern : P .now i can lost one more
apparently he smells like an original

thanks for the Mentos idea
attached are now a large amount of photos
i swear i will never spamm like this again ^^
I let the pics uncommented and if someone think he can handle my english
he can ask me