yeah I am fucking pissed this is unacceptable I feel like I am a beta tester. They need a redesign. This is the letter I just sent customer support Hi again, I am so sorry I am such a pain. I have had my Pax a few days and it still will not charge properly. It wont go green in under two hours. I hoped after a few days of "training" the battery it might snap out of it. I left it on the charger past green on a few different outlets in the first few days. Right now I am letting it charge in a room where no electricity is even in use. No electricity is in use in that entire part of the house. I put it on the charger at 9:10, its 11:13 and the battery is now just turning green. This is the second Pax to do this to me, I noticed this problem from day one and you guys gave me some advice to trouble shoot. I can tell you that advice was good but did not help. It takes literally the same amount of time every time I charge it, just a hair over 2 hours. I can charge it at a friends house tomorrow if you really want, but I have never had a electrical problem, I can run an xbox, my fan, my tv, lights, and a blow dryer with out blowing a fuse. I'm really at a loss, I dont want to keep having to fiddle with this thing. The temp light comes on every time I start it up too, I usually have to close it once or twice. My first two pax didnt do this once. Doesnt seem worth noting though as I cant see any possible solution to this. its just icing on the cake. I know you guys did a lot of planning and two smart guys designed this, but I really hope you pass this tip on that I have. I think you guys should redesign the mouth piece to have two tubes coming off of it, one for the air as it currently has, and one that is actually solid steal pin for sensing power and controlling temp settings. (this is hard to explain, i imagine the mouth piece once removed would look almost like the prongs on the cord of any electrical device that plugs into walls, like the prongs on the charger for example.) Most of your issues are from the switch getting gunked up being on the air path, if you make a second pin hole off to the side that is separate for power settings, and then attached a second steal tube or pin to the mouth piece, it wont get gunked up. You could even use the same locking mechanism that exists on the Pax already, but just take it off the side which air passes. You could put the temp button at the very bottom of the new pinhole, enabling you to change the temp settings by clicking down the mouth piece past the first click (when you click the mouth piece down you can hear two clicks, the first click indicates it will lock shut, the second indicates it will reopen, the pax requires you to slowly close the mouthpiece to shut it off, if you click it down fast past the first click it reopens, you could click it down fast to cycle the temp settings.) This would result in a sleeker design as you would not have to remove the mouth piece to change the temp settings (a major flaw in my opinion) and it'd save you a ton on coming up with trouble shooting problems. You'd illuminate the need for the lube, it makes the mouth piece taste really bad, and the lube costs you guys money. Its a I'm sorry this is such a long read, I really put a lot of thought into it, please pass it on, I can make a diagram if my description is unclear. Final question, is Ploom planning on releasing an update other than funky tasting lube any time soon? If this current Pax cant be debugged and needs to be returned, This will be my third return sense the end of December (I bought the Pax as a present to myself on the 24th.) Thanks a lot for all the time and support.