Active Member
i ordered some of the NCR18650B (3400mAh) off ebay, have 2 of them on the way now. after i get them i plan on getting tabs spot welded to both of them, if you want i wouldn't mind selling you one, however i bought them off ebay and it wasn't cheap ($40 for 2 of them).I'm holding out for the 3400s and I'll find someone who will spot weld the leads. Frankly, if I found someone who would weld the tabs to the battery and solder the leads to the PCB, I'd just pay them to do it. Maybe someone will start a small service.
Who was it that used Batteries Plus? JoeKA? Dudeeitsbrian? JDSupreme? Anyway, they advertise that all their locations have a tech center that does this work. Looking at some videos online, battery tab welding is a piece of cake with the right equipment. So that's where I'll go
not sure if those 3000mAh batteries posted above would work, since it doesn't say if they are protected or unprotected, but they look unprotected to me. that's just my opinion, i could be wrong.
i would do this as a service, it's extremely easy to solder in the battery once you have the battery tabs spot welded on, however i cannot see anyone trusting a random person on the internet with their pax, understandably lol; i wouldn't either

exactly, and even if the temp button sticks playing around with it gently until it comes unstuck has worked for me in the past. once you learn not to get iso on the button, you'll never have the problem again.And here's just a thought about the sticky button, keep in mind that the device is made for tobacco which might not produce a sticky resin that could cause the button to mess up. Just a thought