Sounds like I'll be getting a herbie I got the Percision honeycomb hydratube wondering what I could purchase to adapt that to sit straight on there without using a hoseHi,
The Herbalizer would be a great addition IMO.
I very briefly had a VXL and Herbie but my miniVAP bumped the EVO. EVO + Herbie or my miniVAP + Herbie are both great combos.
NOTE: Herbie needs at least @Ratchett V2 silicone SONG adapter for better performance and usability. Maximum Herbie setup also needs the miniVAP Flexicone wire basket modules---best preload system in the world
Why would you want Herbie???? Let me count the ways---
1. ever want a quick session? Not happening with EVO. Complete Herbie session can be yours in under one minute
2. ever want to know exact temp of your session? Herbie again, like plus or minus 5 degrees F
3. bag option? I never use bags, but it's there for future and more likely option when legal here
4. Herbie - no glass parts to worry about breaking
5. Herbie fan boost is not only for bags. It can be used to turbo-charge a whip, a bubbler, a hydratube, a direct draw mouthpiece.
6. Herbie left out looks like an Apple device. EVO left out looks like a recycled milk carton sculpture
7. EVO is a top tier unit but Herbie is too and it makes a great addition.
........................................................................................Sounds like I'll be getting a herbie I got the Percision honeycomb hydratube wondering what I could purchase to adapt that to sit straight on there without using a hose
Is this completely plastic The links not working... it's working now........................................................................................
Our own @Ratchett 's Delta3DStudio adapter: -accessories/herbalizer-vaporizer/
This works great!
I noticed this says it fits an 18 male adapter .... I was told what I have is it 18 female adapter ... so that would still work with the Percision honeycomb ... hydratube 18 female ... ? I was curious what the part is right above that on your page ............................................................................................
Our own @Ratchett 's Delta3DStudio adapter:
This works great!
Is this completely plastic
......................................................................................I noticed this says it fits an 18 male adapter .... I was told what I have is it 18 female adapter ... so that would still work with the Percision honeycomb ... hydratube 18 female ... ? I was curious what the part is right above that on your page ....
Food grade silicone ? Oh ok that's for explaining that I was wondering......................................................................................
Adapter for Herbie is silicone, very inert at vaporizer temps.
It is correct piece but language about joint types can be confusing. It really means that it makes it into a 14/18 male fitting/ a 14/18 male profile that then mates with either a 14 0r 18 mm female fitting (like on your hydratube).
I can completely understand I've been having the same problems even know I've still been tempted to go ahead and get the Herbie .... after you said they're coming out with a portable and a digital ..... i'm thinking that's kind of a bummer especially after I spent almost $400 with the sale I got ... I would've rather had a digital .... and I've heard this one gets pretty warm or hot I should say so I'm wondering if they solve that issue ..Or made it a little better ....I would still need something my lungs can't take anymore ... you didn't happen to hear Herbie doing an update ? I would hate to buy one of those and they change something to .... I noticed they're all running pretty good deals seems like the volcano probably is going to do some kind of update to it seems .. I only say that because I think I've heard some people say they ran the best deal ever this year on those ... usually that's a pretty good sign they're trying to clear out stock for new stuff ...hmmmm I would just hate to spend more money just to find out new stuff coming out this year ... I always seem to have perfect timing LOL buying something and then something new comes ..... curious if you got there original herbie or Chong ? Ull have to let me know what you think when u get it Are you new to vaping or have you been are you doing this for a while .. i'm new so I'm nervous especially about my first purchase being so big without ever trying ... most of the return policy say no return after use or all sale final ... can be kind of nerve-racking when you never vape and throwing out that much money on something I've never experienced ... i've been reading where a lot of newbies get no Cloud vapor but all these videos show tons of cloud vapor ...from what I've understood that's because lots of it's from extracts n etc .. I guess not dry herbs ...material... thanks for all the information though and replying ..well hopefully they come out with a new better unit it won't be hard for me to get rid of the one that's fixing to ship ...Im in the same boat Herbi or EVO I was actually going to get both for black friday. Though after talking to EVO staff they said they are going to put out a portable in 2018 first or second quarter. Also are going to put out a digital desktop but not sure when in 2018. So I decided to get the Herbi and get to know eachother well and wait for the digital EVO and hope it actually comes out in 2018.
Here's the message I received from them today Apologies for the delay in response! We do not have a new EVO coming out this year. We do have a small pocketable vape in the works that will be launching in the spring but that will be complimentary to the EVO, not a replacement. Hope that helps!The below post is the email I sent to herbalizer before black friday to make sure I wasnt going to buy a product and then they come out with a new version. Though I must say when I read her response in detail it dosent say what new innovations they are working on it says what they have done in the past. So, one can take that as they arent really doing anything new moving forward to improve on past issues that many people have had. Or they are being very tight lipped and want to move as much product out before something new.
Anyway I found EVO customer support much more engaging to speak to. Chongs Choice I believe was released in 2016, someone on this site can correct me if Im wrong about that. Im tempted to respond to her and ask what type of software updates and when were they.
Ive been vaping since 2013 with the volcano and the crafty (2nd crafty actually, my first one the battery shit the bed like many other peoples.)
Hi, what new innovations does the company have coming out and when. i.e. 2nd generation Herbie, or improved accessories, cooling chamber, bags/valves. also do you have any holiday sales coming up soon?
Thanks for reaching out! Our Classic Herbie has been updated with new software a few different times, and we have released a Chong's Choice model!
We've also released some amazing handblown glass accessories over the past year: