Room space and affordability were my roadblocks to going large for a 20 ton press.
It was only a matter of time before somebody invented an effective rosin extraction method for the little guy that does not require a 20 ton frame press for high yields. A complete set-up starting at about $150 that actually works very, very, well.
My setup takes up about 2 square feet and everything fits inside a 16 inch tool bag. I can do a run from zero to rosin in under 5 minutes no problem.
Thats awesome.
Indeed, it was only a matter of time. I always wanted to rip a pair of hair straighteners apart and make a vice thing, but as with so many things, I just never got round to it. That and pressing large amounts led me down the road of a massive, unwieldy press in the end

If it werent for that, I'd probably be doing exactly the same thing as you.