I've had a v2 for about a year and a Z for a month. My advice is buy the non-custom Z. I have no artistic flair and don't care about the type or color of the wood. As others have said, with its bigger heater the Z takes longer to warm up but it can support a faster draw. With the v2 I had to learn to draw slowly which feels unnatural when there is so little draw resistance, you naturally draw slowly through a VapCap, for example, because of it's tight draw. The Z hits better when you start slow and then ramp up the speed after about 8 seconds, preheat for 6 seconds when cold. I have biggish lungs and while I like big hits on the Z I've learned not to go too long as the heat becomes uncomfortable after 15 seconds. The AVB comes out lighter and more even on the Z vs the v2 which can be very dark in the center. This is a positive thing for me, it's a sign that the Z can reliably supply enough energy to fully extract at lower temps and doesn't need to cook so hard to get the job done.
I'm happy running on the single battery Wismec P80 but note that the Z eats the whole battery in two sessions vs 3-4 for the v2. I don't mind the single battery, swapping to a new one literally takes 2 seconds so there is no need for a 3 cell mod.