We are here for the discerning vaporist who wishes to maximize the flavor and vapor quality from their high quality concentrates.
One of the most important parts of a load-as-you-go concentrate vaporizer is its heating element, and ours places the air inlet underneath the heater so that air's drawn across the heater for great vapor production at low wire temperatures. Many other devices air inlets are placed above the heating element, so a higher temperature at the heater is needed to create vapor, and passive draws cannot draw cool air over the heater to cool down the hot wire and your oils. When oil can't be cooled, it will drain due to gravity, this contributes to flavor degradation
We use Grade 2 titanium wire which is inert and delivers exceptionally clean flavor when heated. This pure heating wire is wrapped around black porous ceramic wicks which soak up and absorb oil, allowing it to be held inside the wire coil, where it feeds into the heating wire. Wicks hold oils instead of allowing them to drain downwards where they'll bake and lose flavor; quartz rods cannot wick, they are only there to hold the shape of the wire, and they deliver 'hotter' hits compared to ceramic.
The Omicron's Alpha Centauri system allows for interchangeable heaters including a
quartz rod version of that same heater if you do prefer hotter hits, and our easily rebuildable
1701 ceramic donut's an awesome option for terp chasers. It comes with the Alpha Glass mode to see vapor production and learn different techniques for use, and it includes the Centauri Cartridge cover made of stainless steel for durability and discretion.
We go one step further and have a third cover, a portable bubbler for the top of your Omicron called the
Nibbler AC to add water cooling & moisture conditioning to your vapor, too!
If creating clouds is the only issue of importance, there are a lot of devices that may meet that need. If flavor, efficiency, quality, and longevity (warranty/support) matter, you might wish to consider our devices.