So I have been playing with my Omicron for a month now, and it's time to review it!
Id like to thank THC Sc. for their awesome communication & customer service during all the process!
Efficiency: 10 ?Yes efficiency is subjective we all know that here on FC. I think the efficiency of the Omicron is directly linked to the product it is designed for: CONCENTRATES! As we all know here a hit of BHO is much more efficient (time to reach a certain high level) then any herb or hash. After loading several grams of diferent concentrates I can condifently say 1g of high end concentrate will rock your world for approx. 5 days! And I'm talking 5 days of a tokin' mammuth with a fucked up tolerance level! I have been travelling, working, house-watching, partying, snowboarding, with this thing... I only have a pen + 1 spare battery in my pockets and get fully medicated all day: THAT IS DAMN EFFICIENT TO ME!
Vapor & Taste: 8,5 This section is also totally related to the product you are using with your Omicron. My home made concentrates are amber rocks. They keep their taste for approx. half of the cart, then it goes on the neutral spectrum. With the correct technic, this bad boy produces thick, visible vapor at every hit...Really impressive! When the taste of the concentrate vanishes I can very slightly taste the silicone mouth-tip in my vapor... Nothing unbearable!
Ease of use: 9
PROS : The e-cig concept is REVOLUTIONARY, period! When you have the filling tool the process is REALLY easy VS. if not, I admit it is another story. Without the filling tool the quote here would be 6 max! The battery life (when used correctly) is pretty honest and will take you through a full day of work. The priming is easy. I have experienced no cluggs or leaks. The full charging process is 3H30 approx. so the double kit is totally justified!
CONS : 1st: as if, meaning as a BHO vape only... It is still not an "easy to use vape" for many EU stoners. As BHO is almost inexistant here (and in Europe generally) and considered difficult to do... Many prospects will not see the interest of this vape yet! Yes the new carts will definitely change this opinion!
2nd: the button process, and not forgetting the 5 sec. max heating time is a burdden for some... It seems to be a pretty good feature to me.
3rd: this vape has a lurning curve and several tips/technics to be fully experienced. It is maybe not the best newb' vape out there!
Durability: 9? I have read that the carts are one use only (if that was my experience, I would quote 7 here) though I have only used 3 carts and I have been refilling them flawlessly since them! The batteries are pretty good if you take care of the screws and contact portion with the cart. The whole SS design makes it fell safe and durable!
Aesthetics: 9 ?Again I'm an Apple Addict, so give me a brushed stainless steel aspect electronic BHO dubby and I'm HAPPY! ;-) . It looks slick, can be stored vertically, fits in my pocket...perfecto! The glowing button is nice though in sun light it is difficult to see the blinking/or not! The silicone tips get the amber color pretty fast and I'm not sure they will like an ISO wash! This thing with a reclaimable glass mouthpiece would be da BOMB, IMO!
Versatility: 7 as if! Today it is still "only" a concentrate vape + an e-liquid potent vape...which is already pretty versatile and very useful for many of us (not carrying e-cig + accessories AND vape + acccessories).
SOON TO BECOME A 10, even 11 (LOL): when this will be my only device for : herb, resins, concentrates and e-liquids... I will safely say : this vape has changed my world!
Overall: 8.75 ?OUTSTANDING VAPORIZER ! Please consider that it reaches "ONLY" 8.75 with the "as if version"! Therefore if the new carts + the anounced pretty impressive accessories are added to THC Sc.'s catolog as stated, THIS VAPE WILL PROBABLY BECOME THE ONLY VAPE ABOVE 9,5 in my book!
Additional Notes & Tips:
-Always try to store the Omicron vertically.
-When the unit is dead cold, do 3 x 5 sec button pushes before inhaling. At 4th pressing, start inhaling!?
When your vapor is getting weak though everything is normal and your Omicron is hot, 2 solutions:
-Unscrew the cart and gently heat it to make sure the BHO goes down to the heater.
-Insert a hot or ISO needle it the cart's "reservoire" to push the stuff toward the heater.
I hope that was usefull to some!