Oh look... and free shipping to boot. Plus they are an authorized dealer and are located INSIDE the US? No wai breh!
You absolutely right but when i ordered i didnt get a shipping confirmation, i had to go to class so my brother called found out that they ran out of he Black persei and it should get to them next monday or friday. And on the shippiing your also correct they offer free shipping but its 6-9 day delivery and is uninsured meaning while it goes to Canada then back to me in California, as my brother said he was told " It gets lost then its lost" that was the reason behind the 18.90 shipping which sadly was the cheapest. Also im not sure if you already knew but i took CV's advice and used the upgrade program which was slightly cheaper but sadly wasnt informed on the upgrade page that black wasnt in stock. Its ok thought its my fault i should of done more research on the site