Look Into My Eyes
Friends and Neighbors,
I've been singled out to help out by Beta testing a 1701 cart for D9, the long awaited 'leakproof Omicron cart'. While my understanding is there are some 2.4s in the test process, I drew a 1.6 Ohm version, a hot rod for sure.
How does Taste compare to the old D9 carts so far. The old carts could, at times, have a rather gnarly taste, sometimes from the get go. How is airflow? have images been put up yet of the carts?
Stoked to finally try these with the puregold.
Id like to see a rating on things of it. Maybe even a comparison rating between 1701 and the old D9s.
~Airflow: 0-10
~Start Taste (using a fairly consistent control; Puregold or Comparable): 0-10
~Taste (after a gram has been used): 0-10
~Leaks: 0-10
~Clogs: 0-10
~Heating (this would have to be done multiple times with different materials; Wax, Oil, PG, Goo, etc): 0-10
~Ease (Filling, using, attaching, etc): 0-10
~Consistency in its function (if heated from cold for 5 seconds would it consistently produce the same vapor, doesnt just kick the bucket, etc): 0-10
~Design: 0-10
~Variety (Colours, Resistances, etc)
As it is probably many of these cant be answers as its a BETA not a final product. But itd be interesting to see the results and the comparison between the two. Maybe its bounds and leaps ahead of what should be considered. Itd just be informative to prospective users.