Thank you "OF".
Sorry if there is a misunderstanding on my part.
Maybe it's just a air bubble?
Should I just drain the cartridge and start over?
I did not pre-heat the cartridge before I loaded it.
I could be over thinking all of this?
One day I hope to master this thing.
The "PURE GOLD" leaked on the 5.0 cartridge.
However the taste is unbelievable.
Maybe with a 2.4 cartridge and 3.4 Battery?
I'm sure it's just a learning curve I'm going through.
The "PERSIE" is well built and I'm sure it's fine.
I just need to master how to use the cartridges correctly.
Sorry to vent my frustrations.
However you did give me some useful advice.
Kind regards and please no hard feelings!
You're welcome, no hard feelings. But please be careful with your frustrations, 'naming names' makes it personal. Perhaps not the best plan if you're hoping someone will help you out, definitely a bad idea if you're ducks aren't in a row IMO. Let's chalk it up to a missed post?
I would not drain the cart without trying to fix it. Not only does this cost you a ten dollar cart but you'll loose .2 grams or so in the process most likely. There are excellent instructions on the D9 site for filling, I suggest following them next time. The idea is to have the tube hotter than melting temperature before the just melted concentrate slides down and hits the tube. If it's cold there, the concentrate will 'clot' right there leaving a bubble.
I've had good luck with 'melting it down' in such cases (before I discovered the importance of preheating). The key is to understand where the seals are (about 1/4 of the way up the cart) and never get that part hotter than you're comfortable holding. Start with it cold and upright, held at the 1/3 point in your thumb and forefinger. While rotating the cart (to heat from all sides) play the flame of your (torch style) lighter on the tube at the half way point and a bit above. Keep heating it until the tube under your fingers gets fairly warm (to the point you'd like to stop heating.....) then move up the tube with the heat toward the top to get the oil flowing down. Done right you'll actually feel the hot oil drop down and the heat at the bottom where your fingers are go up a bit. Stainless Steel conducts heat poorly which is what allows us to do this. Then try it again.
PG can be done, but it takes a fine touch on the heat and careful cool down after the hit or it will leak 'every time'. Learn with thicker concentrates on 2.4 Ohm carts at 3.7 Volts. Even going to 3.0 Volts won't help you with poor technique (I tried). I also tried being casual with 4 and 5 Ohm carts and ended up with leakers. Technique is everything here. PG is 'playing the palace', learn to be a champ with more normal stuff first. IMO PG really shines in the DART (no leaks.....). Revolution/DART is much less picky, it'll even do a fair job on bubble hash!
BTW, it's just my opinion but I think G is an outstanding maker. He puts a huge amount of time in here trying to help folks along, something precious few do. IMO he's to be commended in that, not 'called out' for not doing enough. There are no entitlements here I see, perhaps some misplaced expectations and some good folks trying to help each other out.
I'll save the old saw about flies, honey and vinegar for another time......
Keep to the middle thickness 'clean' and lighter colored concentrates in 2.4 Ohm carts at 3.7 Volts and you'll sort it out. That's what Omicron was designed around. Stray from that too far and you'll end up in the ditch somewhere.
Good luck.