Discontinued Omicron Vaporizer for oils


Well-Known Member
The HVD top is different than the one that came with the v2. The original top caps the voltage at 3.7 volts which means that it basically performs like a half dead battery. (Battery is 4.2v full)

If you have a Persei you will notice a 1.5 ohm cart is much more powerful on the Persei even though it is still a single 3.7v battery, this is because the Persei doesn't limit the voltage.
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Well-Known Member
i bought some 5 ohms to, the setup is the equvialent to 3.7 @ 2.4

No. Doubling the resistance and doubling the voltage at the same time do cancel each other in that the current stays the same (about 1.5 Amps) but since the voltage is twice 3.7 twice as much power happens with 5 Ohms at 7.4 as 2.4 Ohms at 3.7.

Power (in Watts) is equal to current (in Amps) times voltage (in Volts). Same current, double the voltage, double the power.



vapor nerd
what can I do with the old v2 top when my HVD comes? I can use the old top on the mini running 3.7 right it will just be regulated? I have an extra v2 tube and bottom(I burned out the top playing with adapters so got myself another v2) I'm trying to imagine all the combinations of bottom screws, top's, tubes, and batteries :whoa:

edit: also can I use the red 3.7 the v2 came with in the long tube with the new HVD top?


what can I do with the old v2 top when my HVD comes? I can use the old top on the mini running 3.7 right it will just be regulated? I have an extra v2 tube and bottom(I burned out the top playing with adapters so got myself another v2) I'm trying to imagine all the combinations of bottom screws, top's, tubes, and batteries :whoa:

edit: also can I use the red 3.7 the v2 came with in the long tube with the new HVD top?

Turn it into an ecig for your friends.....or better yet, mass destruction video and post it on YouTube for everyone to enjoy.

Only a few more hours before the USPS lady gets here.....I need to press my ninja costume and sharpen some throwing stars. I wish you all luck in your sage to get your mail.



Well-Known Member
Only a few more hours before the USPS lady gets here.....I need to press my ninja costume and sharpen some throwing stars. I wish you all luck in your sage to get your mail.

I swear, some days it's a full time job keeping the new guys in line. No, no, no! No throwing stars. They get fingerprints from them.....

Ninja costume is a good move (you were paying some attention during introduction it seems....) but ixnay on the the stars part. Roofing nails, roofing nails are your friend. A few on the roadway in front of the truck and you can have your way with what's inside while they change the tire! Move fast and silently, know what the target looks like, use native cover. Leave no clues.

BTW serious guys use their blowguns to deliver just a few nails directly to the intended target, avoiding harm to the innocent citizens. Watch out for saliva, the Feds will do DNA on ya......

Got it?



Well-Known Member
I thought you retired, haha! I always look forward to your lesson plans!

I am. And recommending retirement to one and all, BTW. Beats that other thing..... Doesn't mean I can stop dancing when the music starts.....

Glad some good folks find the information useful. Information is only useful if it's used.....a fun twist on things really. Sitting on it diminishes it's value, usually.



vapor nerd
Will I be able to use the original v2 3.7 battery on my hvd top and get unregulated 3.7 like the v1's? I was just looking for an answer, as I'd like to still be able to use my v2 3.7 batteries. Thanks.


The Professor
what can I do with the old v2 top when my HVD comes? I can use the old top on the mini running 3.7 right it will just be regulated? I have an extra v2 tube and bottom(I burned out the top playing with adapters so got myself another v2) I'm trying to imagine all the combinations of bottom screws, top's, tubes, and batteries :whoa:

edit: also can I use the red 3.7 the v2 came with in the long tube with the new HVD top?

I find the regulated v2 top with a 2.4 cart works great with Pure Gold (and I would imagine other very thin oils). I always had leaking problems on the v1 with PG, but I just killed my 2nd vial of PG using the v2 and I have had not a hint of leaking. Nice hits too, although I am not really concerned with size or density of the clouds.

I also found that a glass stem (as shown by Kertong I think) works great and gives me a real sense of how it's hitting. I always use one when at home.


Well-Known Member
Will I be able to use the original v2 3.7 battery on my hvd top and get unregulated 3.7 like the v1's? I was just looking for an answer, as I'd like to still be able to use my v2 3.7 batteries. Thanks.

Yes, that's my understanding. It is, in fact, exactly why I bought the upgrade. I'm not really interested in running 7.4 Volts in this guy, got a Persei I don't use for that mode already.....

Let's hope we're not both disappointed.....



Well-Known Member

HVD came today. Charging the little batteries and filling up a 5 ohm cart right now.. It's been a while since I've played with my Omicron.

Blue Dream

Hot my HVD today too, but I have yet to open it, waiting for the new carts. I lost too much with these leaky and clog-prone carts.
Blue Dream,


Only birdshit and fools
I ordered a hvd for my v2 and I got an email saying my order status has changed to "awaiting fufillment" or something like that, what does this mean? Are they backordered already?


Well-Known Member
Looks like the HVD just made it to my local post office sort facility, so should be seeing it tomorrow! :)

You get them to open the PO for you on Sundays? Wow, that's pull.

I'm not messing with you any more, I promise......

I ordered a hvd for my v2 and I got an email saying my order status has changed to "awaiting fufillment" or something like that, what does this mean? Are they backordered already?

My guess is they're trying to contact you for 'chrome or black'. They've been trying to call everyone, seems there wasn't enough data captured with the orders. I'd probably try calling or emailing them the color information again? If you haven't given it to them in the last week or so separately, that's what's up I bet.



It's 7:10, maryjane you better concentrate.
My v2 has been a life changer for me for months now, and last night out of no where, i'd been using it all day as usual. And now for some reason the body wont heat any of my carts. The bateries are fine and fully charged. This thing can not die on me, it changed the whole game for me, to the point i no longer want to deal with flowers for more than 20 min. Pleas any advice !!!!!????


I don't know anything about this device, but it looks like it's based on e-cigarette technology. When screwing the atomizer (it seems they call the atomizer "Extract Cartridge") onto the battery carrier thingy that may have moved the positive pole of the battery a little, so it doesn't get enough contact with the atomizer. If it was an e-cigarette I would use a paperclip or something and gently try to pull/raise the positive pole on the battery thingy again.
Another possibility is that your atomizer is too old and that it broke due to age (I assume the device uses heating coils, which will break after a few months or so). If you had a multimeter you could check the resistance of the atomizer to see if it's broken... According to the thread starter it's supposed to have 2.4 Ohm resistance.

Edit: the positive pole should be a round button like thing in the middle of the thread (where you screw on the atomizer) on the battery carrier


Well-Known Member
last I checked it was Saturday... OF, you've been hanging in the garden too long?? hehe

Well, yes, today is Saturday. Here that means "tomorrow" will be Sunday, you know the day with the thick newspaper? Today the PO works, tomorrow they rest.

Looks like the HVD just made it to my local post office sort facility, so should be seeing it tomorrow! :)

But whatever is OK with you and the PO is fine by me......Like I said, I don't wanna be in this one.

And I'm not sure I've actually been in the garden too long.....or not long enough. I'll have to test that.....



Well-Known Member
And now for some reason the body wont heat any of my carts. The bateries are fine and fully charged.

OK, troubleshooting time. "Divide and Conquer". It's electrical or mechanical. Does the light come on? This will eliminate one possibility.


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