You won't ever get a "dab-like" omicron hit at 3.7v. If you are a daily dabber you should get a Persei. 1.5ohm carts are as close as you will get until the HVD upgrade for Omicron v2 is available.
How are you having trouble? Weigh your empty cart, fill .6, and use it until it weighs .2 more than the dry weight. What version do you have?
Thanks for responding, Dub! I would love a Persei, but I've put too much money into the Omicron v2 now (multiple carts, hvd top, etc.) to go out and purchase one at the moment. I have the HVD top pre-ordered and was under the impression that it would make my v2 into a mini Persei minus the duel cart option. Am I correct in thinking this?
As for the carts, I have been using the same exact method that you just recommended but my results haven't been consistent yet. I had one cart that I was able to chief huge clouds on but other than that, I still get inconsistent results. I've tried heating the top of the cart to make sure all of the oil drips down to every other technique I've read up on. I'm also aware that all oils will not act the same, so I take that into account as well.
Everything I've heard about the Nail Cart so far makes me think that it will produce the type of hit that I'm seeking and that is why I'm trying to get a bit more info on it.