naa vapersforum. Man the name calling not use the ecig side, i guess its a zoo there, so we shall see.
Oh man, some of the good ones:
First, their headline: "VAPERS FORUM--a place where grown-ups are free to discuss anything and everything about PVs (a.k.a., personal vaporizers, electronic cigarettes, e-cigarettes, e-cigs)."
So off to a good start right?
"where do you put the weed man" (very first comment)
"Fuck 601's"
COX(lol) - "lets see what happens what a noob puts two duel coils on the duel connector and the mod blows up because it cant handle the discharge rate"
Gary - "Well they come with IMR Batteries earlier units have Trustfires, had no issues with dual coils on a double barrel set up"
DeweyCox - sounds like u dont know what the fuck ur talking about and the webpage gives little to no information besides that they're devices that are used to smoke pot from or something"
fsors - "I thought this was a modding forum and that is not a mod it's a factory made???"
(Uhh it's called "vapers"forum not modforum...)
Gary - "Well they come with IMR Batteries earlier units have Trustfires, had no issues with dual coils on a double barrel set up."
fsors - "So that must make it a mod"
Gary - "Massed produced MOD. We call it a TOM-V but yes it is a MOD in the ecig community"
fsors - "Mod means modified, not factory made, unless I am missing something here"
(Does it really, I mean
really, matter?)
(This one is really insightful, I wonder if people buy cheap mods with no warranty because they think they don't need a warrenty?? lol)
DeweyCox - "why does it say the mod will break on the webpage"
Gary - "It does not say the mod will break it says that if you dont know how to use something like this then dont buy it, because you will screw something up... Even if it breaks you have no issues with it as like is said our warranty covers it.
DeweyCox - "whys there a warrenty if its not a pos" (really?!?!)
(Wow fsors comes back for more)
Gary - "That's something I have to ask the engineer tomorrow."
fsors - "Is he the modder?"
Gary - "I am the designer he is the engineer. He deals with the electronics I deal with designs."
fsors - "So you modded it for him to mod it and you guys made a mod together?" (This guy...)
Typical contradictions in thinking...
firhill - "I'd suggest, if you don't wanna get run off the forum, you stop pimping the surreptitious 420 angle and recommend for e-liquid use only. Everyone here is quite capable of determining how, when, where and what to use (in) their devices."
(So because you all are grown up and can decide things for yourself, you need someone to tell you what you should and shouldn't do??)
(Okay fsors is starting to stand out here...)
fsors - "If you smoked/vaped your weed at 7.4V would you get higher than say 3.7V or 5V?"
fsors - "Not really understanding why you need a VV for smoking weed?"
Gary - "Maybe you should check your tone and the name calling at the door."
PhoenixFire - "Lol what forum do you think you're on?"
(Obviously not one for adults...)
OCD - "Got to give you credit for hanging in there. I will go out on a limb and guess this is not the only forum you have posted this on... I will bet you got the best response here though
Welcome to VF"
(Not even close...)
billyboy689 - "but he is a designer , says so himself so must be true
its not his fault he has no imagination
i blame the parents for raising such a talentless ignorant fuckwit"
billyboy689 - "im a very shallow person
so i only see the outside
after that i kinda lose interest quickly
all the best to ya mate
make a squillion bucks an shove it up your arse
whatever makes you happy is all that matters
im not being nice or nasty
just not giving a fuck
only posting here so peeps know im still about
drunk posting is awsome"
(This guy wouldn't last a single post on this forum)
One more from Mr. DeweyCox - "you know using a double barrel the batteries are more likely to vent and blow up in the users face right"
(Only on terrible unprotected ecig batteries...)
But by far the worst post is the last one...
Obviously some chick enjoying her moment of cleverness while she can...
Her name is Sherlynn.
Her avatar is this:
Beginning her masterful put down with some laughing:
She says:
Love it when a new vendor posts and has no fucking clue what they are getting into here....we are called "sharktank" for a reason. Do your research first"
You can tell she feels really good about herself by her ending smilely:
And let's not forget her signature:
"You can't fix stupid...but you can numb it with a 2X4"
The wisdom imparted... I just can't absorb it all...
Oh wait... that's just my wisdom trying to ooze out because of osmosis...
This was a fantastic insight into the rest of this sad, mad world... but I'm now depressed... time to enjoy my favorite misunderstood friend!