OK I finished my initial stab at the
Vaporpedia article for the omicron. I have finished digging through this thread extracting and linking all relevant information. Hopefully I got it all. Now its time to do some writing and add some more content and fill in the bodies of a few of those sections. If anyone sees any or typos or has suggestions let me know. Hopefully over the next week I will get this content done.
We are having a large family halloween party today (60+ people) and the omicron proved invaluable over the last two days of shopping for supplies for this party. OMG. My only issue was I let the battery get a little too low friday after a week of usage. should have charged it before the power shopping adventure began. You can tell because vapor production starts getting a little low. Fresh charge and that cart was rockin again.
My favorites have been NitroOG for daytime use and Blueberry for night time use. Despite the almost 80% THC content of the NitroOG I have to say suprisingly even to me is that that Blueberry Co2 from SouthBay CRC hits harder. Usually OG's hit me harder than anything but not in this case.
BTW: Here in San Jose we collected 50K signatures and have temporarily blocked the city ordinance shutting down all our clubs here yesterday

That means at least another 6 months until they cook up a new excuse.
OT: and it was Tracy (thank you) who finally inspired me to pull the trigger on the Arizer Solo I had been wanting. I have been rockin the Solo for flowers for the last two weeks and love it too. Between the Solo and Omicron I have portable vaporization covered.
Thanks for the feedback folks. I've incorporated it and finished the suggested updates.