Wasn't there going to be a one week discount code for FC members on this?
Yes on the 7.4v upgrade, but since it is not available yet for purchase we dont have the code.
Wasn't there going to be a one week discount code for FC members on this?
Gotcha .
I really need a cheat sheet to keep all the upcoming products straight between the Persei and the V2, lol.
Can someone lay out pro vs con of buying the V2 with the HVD upgrade vs buying a Persei? I guess the stealth of having the more compact size for travel is nice but my V1 looks just like my ecigs so I find it very stealthy. I am really trying to figure out which unit will be more versatile for home use with all the various attachments.
Another question for those that own both is what are the advantages of the carts for higher volts? My old and worn out lungs are very happy with hits from the 1.5ohm carts on the V1.
Yes on the 7.4v upgrade, but since it is not available yet for purchase we dont have the code.
Too many new things G.
Surprise, surprise, I'm still confused. Isn't the HVD upgrade on the site the 7.4v top, etc?
Yes hvd is 7.4v top for omicron + batteries and other stuff.
You're killing me, man. So what's the discount code for if not this?
I believe the discount is for this HVD upgrade, its just not available yet. Hence, no discount
code. Hope I am right, thought I would spare G the typing and let him focus on new gear....
What he said.......
Just got back from a buddy (patient) of mine that I got a V2 for and he thought his carts where empty, after weighing he still has .5 in the 1.5 cart and .6 in the 2.5 cart, he shouldn't be having the issues he is reporting. I put the carts on my V1 and get them hitting proper then switch them back to his V2 unit, both batteries where charged for the V2 prior to my visit, the 1.5cart hit like a 2.4 on a v1. Now I already submitted a ticket and got a replacement bottom piece a few weeks ago, there was a big difference when the new bottom piece came but it seems things are about the same now????!!!!
Edit: this patient hits my v1 on a 1.5 cart and says " this is the hit I want", I feel compelled to get him a O-Phos or do the $75 upgrade to give home the new top so his hits are not under powered . The thing is two weeks ago after the new bottom piece came the unit worked very well, now with carts I bring that hit great on my V1 hit weak on this V2 so it is not his carts.
Known issue, this is what the new v2 HVD package will solve. Also let's you do 7.4v and those carts![]()
For the ophos upgrade does it need to be shipped before may 1 or how long after? And obviously no chrome for black trades?
Known but this is case of being worse hitting then two weeks ago after receiving a new bottom piece. Already understand the V2 limiting the voltage but this is about the unit hitting with less strength after two weeks of use. I can spend $75 at some unknown future point to fix his problem or order a o Phos today and have the problem resolved when the package comes, when it comes to patients I am very impatient, when it is for me I have all the time in the world.
Known but this is case of being worse hitting then two weeks ago after receiving a new bottom piece. Already understand the V2 limiting the voltage but this is about the unit hitting with less strength after two weeks of use. I can spend $75 at some unknown future point to fix his problem or order a o Phos today and have the problem resolved when the package comes, when it comes to patients I am very impatient, when it is for me I have all the time in the world.
Really frustrated everything I typed got deleted, so I'll keep this short.
What is this known issue you're speaking of? I may have it. I just picked up 2 omi's recently (v2's) and am having a love / hate relationship with mine, as is my gf with hers. Mine flashes 3 times mid hit, or sometimes anytime trying to push the button. I understand this is the low voltage cutoff, but i've seen this with a voltage measured at 4.0 volts. What voltage is the V2 supposed to cut off at? Hers seems to work down to 3.7 volts but she's been struggling to get good sized hits with hers.
New user but I have read a good portion of this thread! Got my Omis from a local co-op, getting mine swapped out tomorrow.
Also, I must say, I'm really underwhelmed with the stock chargerm, mostly due to it only having one led. Luckily I have a trustfire charger that works pretty good! Might hook up the cells to my iCharger some time to check the cells internal resistance and capacity.
GR can you please contact us tomorrow, let me diagnose this issue over the phone.
You have the v2 or the v1? i dont think the v2 flashes 3 times when in use. Can you call us tomorrow? 818-849-6133 we will handle it.
Mouthpieces. I need em!
The ones on Delta9Vapes are cool, I would get the 6 pack, good price, but the party colors don't match the carts :/
So, what am I looking for? 510 drip tip?
All the ones I tried (3 or 4 brands) hit the bridge in the carts and had to be modified. Most could be filed down enough to still retain the o-ring but you also have to be sure it doesn't seal against the bridge. Filing slots in the face or bore and countersinking have worked.
OTOH, it should be easy enough to change the die used in the anodized parts to match the tubes????
Mouthpieces. I need em!
The ones on Delta9Vapes are cool, I would get the 6 pack, good price, but the party colors don't match the carts :/
So, what am I looking for? 510 drip tip?
I bought a pack of these a while ago and couldn't be more pleased, they fit really well in omicarts and since they are plastic they stay nice and cool. Fit TV products well too (have one in my evo):
Also, the white silicone O-ring is a better quality than the black rubber ones that tear![]()
just bad photo. have 'em myself. they are definitely black.Wow I missed that, I thought it was $12.99 for just one. But it's 5 of them. This would be perfect!
But now I am confused.
The items listing is called "BLACK DELRIN" but the picture is of a metallic/silver one?