Guess what someone left at my doorstep:
(^ Check out the picture of the head, Persei?

(^ New center post design? ^)
(^ New printed style 2.4 ohm and
1000mah imr battery ^)
(^ Comparison, Persei unscrewed a bit to line up logo ^)
(^ My latest labeling style is font size 7, these do not have to be removed to reclaim or refill ^)
Also notice my v2 is numbered over four thousand??? So many...
Now on to a possible issue with this beautiful new device:
just curious, has anyone tried their rev dart lv on their omicron v1, and v2? it works in both but i swear, the clouds on the v1 are noticeably thicker. two of my 215 patient friends who I was showing this off to, noticed as well. On the omicron v2, we'd heat and heat and only get wispy clouds. As soon as we put it on the omicron v1 or the atmosRAW battery, instant thick vapor clouds. Am i the only one?
I have verified this using this test setup and a similar one for the Persei (I posted a pic of that a while ago):
When held together snugly the current reading stabilizes and I believe it is fairly accurate.
Battery reads 4.10v and 1.5 ohm cart measures 1.6 ohms:
On the v2 the cart draws 1.75 amps max consistently.
7.08 watts
On the Persei with the same 14650 battery down to 4.05v the cart draws 1.95 amps max consistently.
Now I was surprised since many of you might remember this:
1.5 ohm, 2.5 amps --- 9.25 watts
2.4 ohm, 1.5 amps --- 5.75 watts
So I tried the larger 18650 measuring 3.72v and got a max draw of 1.84 amps. Still less than theoretical but perhaps this can be explained by battery and circuit losses.
Performance on 2.4 ohms is exactly as expected with very little difference between theoretical and measured current. Meaning 1.65 amps at 4.03v which is
6.65 watts. 7.08 watts vs. 6.65 watts? That's less than a 15% power difference between 2.4 ohm and 1.5 ohm carts...
Any explanations? Most people who buy the v2 are going to be interested in the 1.5 ohm carts but it seems to me that the v2 can only properly run the 2.4's... this is why kertong had so much trouble with his revolution on the v2.