TracyLee said:Can I still try to use my Pure Gold cart (hitting lightly) or empty cartridge to salvage my $40 before it gets messy?
TracyLee said:My gold was nice and light :-). So that means I shouldn't try it again once it leaked?
vapor 4 life said:I have loaded five carts with three different oils all light colored and all have leaked . I am not overheating during fill. they leak and I have to clean the bottom of the cart daily. I also clog frequently that priming does not cure. But with some work I can usually get the carts going again. I got this vape for on the go but so far it is not reliable enough for me. But I do get some clouds when it is working. This thing is next level . Everyone who tries it loves it. Still trying to master it though.
PlanetVape said:Hi 408_Grow
It could just have been a dud and you did the right thing by recovering your extract to put into another cartridge. That is why the cartridges are buy 4 get 1 free, the free one covers any duds in the pack and if non are duds, you get a bonus.
We always recommend to test a cartridge first, before filling it. Just attach the empty cartridge to your Omicron battery and hold down the power button while looking down the air hole. You should see the element glowing brightly and feel the base of the cartridge start to get warm.
Hope that helps.
vapor 4 life said:That is good advice PlanetVape thanx . Thc Sci do you have an eta on the instructions you mentioned days back? So much info sucking to hard not sucking hard enough stick a needle in the hole don't stick anything in the holes. It is hard to decipher the best moves. Detailed instructions would be great. Still loving the omicron. vaped a couple grams of oil already. Still not mastered yet. Thanx to everyone 4 contributing to this thread. More info the better.
Question for Vito and anyone else with info I have not vaped much oil I have never liked Ti swings or nails or oil domes dabs and the such I always coughed to much. Have any of you vape only peeps noticed oil being harder on your lungs and throat. I used the omicron exclusively for 5 days (being my ne toy) and had to take a break because oil seems harsh on me. The Omicron does not make me cough but does take its toll after a few days. I took a couple days off and It does not affect me if I use it a few times a day or on the go . Any oil heads have any similar issues. I love oil now that I have the Omicron. The effects are so different and stronger than flowers. I have not felt so quickly medicated with any other vape. I guess it makes sense since oil is so concentrated.
Well time to vape look forward to replies thanx again
408_Grow said:PlanetVape said:Hi 408_Grow
It could just have been a dud and you did the right thing by recovering your extract to put into another cartridge. That is why the cartridges are buy 4 get 1 free, the free one covers any duds in the pack and if non are duds, you get a bonus.
We always recommend to test a cartridge first, before filling it. Just attach the empty cartridge to your Omicron battery and hold down the power button while looking down the air hole. You should see the element glowing brightly and feel the base of the cartridge start to get warm.
Hope that helps.
Thanks PlanetVape. I am sure there hardly ever is dud's. That idea of checking cartridges before use is awesome.i will surely do that from now on!
TracyLee said:How does everyone reclaim their oil and/or waxes when things go wrong? I haven't seen a video on that yet. I've been using a funnel and lighter to fill...sure hope I don't need a hot plate. I was able to let the Pure Gold leak out overnight. I've been puffin on what's left in the cartridge all day and it's working good. Tomorrow is Test Day...using this thing to it's intended purpose...wish me luck. I wish that Pure Gold didn't leak...oh well...guess it's Sour Diesel instead.
I had one day were I couldn't get the XXX to prime...gave up and got myself over medicated via another deviceI went back to it later...just hitting the button repeatly until I saw vapor then I started drawing....much better. Maybe the product needed to heat up and settle and then get reheated to hit properly? It's the ex-bookkeeper in me....walk away from the problem then go back later
To answer another question:
I got the Arizer and Omicron to stealth vape and to start protecting my lungs by vaping. My tolerence has grown and I have to smoke way to much high end flower to get medicated enough. I've always added hash on specials occassions.
Concentrates are new for me too. Much harsher in my lungs with Omicron when I take a huge toke. Does make me cough, but then I don't smoke as much either.
I'm new to dabbing.....niceeeee....can't wait to go back to Medex when I'm not in a rush to run errands. I am not getting a home rig! My hubby would flip. If it doesn't go in a bowl with flowers or in my Omicron, I don't need it.
PlanetVape said:Here is another Pro Tip to try: When using the Omicron every time in the traditional button facing up orientation, your extract over time as it warms up will tend to stay in the one area, by gravity. Try your next set of hits with the Omicron oriented button down, this will give you some bigger hits.