Well-Known Member
Will vx.1 be adaptable to handle '"Ti Nail cart"' ?/? ,in lieu of going O-PHOS ,which is a 90$ PT ? 

Is it a true passthrough (can you use it and charge the battery at the same time) or does it drain the battery if you use it while it's charging?
mine does indeed drain when using it while charging. i cant tell if the power loss is less than if your were just running the battery though. either way it wont leave you stranded waiting for it to charge.
they are great pens.
@THC Scientific:
Please forgive me father, for I have sinned.
Last week, I have been having thoughts of lust of the atmosRAW.
The THCSci bible and disciples warned me against this for I am sure to combust if I go down this path.. but foolishly I did not listen and was lured in by the claims of vaporization and herb consumption.
How wrong I was to doubt you, father.
How foolish I was to rush you on the herb carts. I understand why they are so difficult now.
How I wish everyone can understand that a combusting herbcart is HORRIBLY disappointing and would NOT want you to rush it out the door under any circumstances.
How I wish I had bought the omicron v2 instead of the e-pipe known as the atmosRAW.
How I wish I had never wandered out of the promised land and wandered into the atmosRAW thread.
Forgive me father, for I have sinned. Please find the grace in your heart to accept me back into the omicron fold.
Hail Mary, full of grace...
Ooo man that's rough, did combusting in the Atmos taste as bad as combusting in the mflb?
yes, tasted just as badit was really terrible. It tasted like a hit off a pipe and lighter, not-greens. The first few times it combusted, the taste went away instantly and I was back to vaping reasonbly well with great flavor and vapor, but with a lot of work. But now I realize once you combust once or twice, the wire or screen has plant material stuck on it, and that continues to recombust and scorch/ash into your bud.
And with the chamber getting hotter and hotter after each hit, each successive hit results in you moving your probability of combustion a little closer to that 100% mark..
I am back to using the omicron now and it is a breath of fresh air (literally). Really makes me re-appreciate the smoothness of vapor, and ease of consistent and repeated vapor deliveries with the omicron. The atmos also got too hot to hold once it was warmed up to vaping temps.
The funny thing is... when I pull on the omicron I have this adverse reaction and I cringe, thinking I should let go of the button of the vapor is going to turn into combusted smoke, haha.
I get paid tomorrow, so I'm walking right back into the headshop and getting myself an omicron v2 with the 1.5ohm carts. The 1.5ohm carts - are they the same design as the original 2.4ohms, with the heating element and silica wick around the same way? Or have they been redesigned? (I keep hearing people mention leak proof carts, were they released...?)
not true, only use 1.5 or 2.4d on omis the rest b 4 perseiyou're good to go w/ all 5 available carts on vx.1 ,v2![]()
not true, only use 1.5 or 2.4d on omis the rest b 4 persei
o-phos could be like pronounced like OFOS (sorta like UFOs since their high in the sky all the time) except in this case an O instead of a U because O is shortened for Omicron the OOk here is a hint, its a 3.7v unit.
In Fact anyone who can tell me what O-Phos means will get a free unit before anyone else.
Me: "Hi Atmos, coming up on your six slowly.... here are my hands.. no furtive movements.. can i please have a little vape?"
AtmosRaw: "Sure, just come a little closer, press my button a little longer.... SURPRISE BITCH, combustion because FUCK YOU!!" *kicks you in the nuts as you're gingerly inhaling expecting vapor*
Just for shits and giggles, I thought it'd be funny to make a spoof video of that pin the tail on the donkey clip, but with the atmosRX so you guys can see what I mean.
Never got a tank to work for that, I gutted and debridged the 510 atty and took a pipe cutter to it and made it so the coil was exposed and I could just put the hash right on the coil... it works well with small loads, but does combust the hash. Not a true vape, and doesn't play well with oils.
@THC Sci:
I already have the v1 omi double batt kit, but one batt died due to my idiocy in hooking it up to a shorted atmos raw heating chamber, haha. my fault. So i'm not going to screw you guys over and send you a half functional double kit to upgrade. Going to fatty zone tomorrow and I will happily plunk down full price for the omicron v2.
You could make a ecig shaped like a penis where you have to cup the balls to get it to vape, and I'd still buy it as long as it had your name on it. You have no idea, after all the anguish and hours of sleep lost with the atmosRAW, you have no idea how much more I appreciate what you have done for us.
Thanks, sir./takes hat off, holds to chest, salutes
little did you know, at that moment you basically did everything atmos did for their atmosRAW... perhaps you should go into the "2012 vaporizer of the year" business?![]()
Ha ha ha, I came up with that hash hitter around 2009...still use them today. It's crude, and simple, and not at all a true vape, but it is conservative, gets the job done on the DL and was great to have when I was moving across the country, traveling for several months back in 2010. I am just happy to see the ideas evolving with other people, since I am not really perusing it much these days on my own. So glad THCsci pushed the bar way up, and continues to do so. The evolution continues....
Just thought people would like to see a side by side comparison of the omicron v1 and v2 together with cart and mouthpiece. Threw in the atmosRAW for fun.![]()